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Worker Quotes
It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject; the details may be worked out by a team, but the prime idea is due to enterprise, thought, and perception of an individual.
Alexander Fleming
Work is valued by the social value of the worker.
Gloria Steinem
Investment in human capital accounts for most of the impressive rise in the real earnings per worker.
Theodore Schultz
Five coordinating mechanisms seem to explain the fundamental ways in which organizations coordinate their work: mutual adjustment, direct supervision, standardization of work processes, standardization of work outputs, and standardization of worker skills.
Henry Mintzberg
They will do anything for the worker, except become one.
Gregory Benford
It would be wonderful to have a guru; it would be like having a social worker or a personal trainer, not that people who had either of these necessarily appreciated the advice they received.
Alexander McCall Smith
A man is a worker. If he is not that he is nothing.
Joseph Conrad
If you are not prepared to resign or be fired for what you believe in, then you are not a worker, let alone a professional. You are a slave.
Howard Gardner
The same historical development that turned the citizen into a client transformed the worker from a producer into a consumer.
Christopher Lasch
I loved playing the part of the feisty Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker.
Mercedes McCambridge
It's ironic that while I was a worker in Detroit, which I left when I was twenty six, my sense was that the thing that's going to stop me from being a poet is the fact that I'm doing this crummy work.
Philip Levine
You're better off being a brick layer if you're going to play guitar than a sheet metal worker.
Roger Daltrey
You have nothing that the humblest worker has not a right to have also.
Rose Schneiderman
Workers organized and fought for worker rights and food safety, Social Security and Medicare - they fought to change government. And they won.
Sherrod Brown
An understandable hunger for potential clients tempts many [career counseling therapists] to overpromise, like creative writing teachers who, out of greed or sentimentality, sometimes imply that all of their students could one day produce worthwhile literature, rather than frankly acknowledging the troubling truth, anathema to a democratic society, that the great writer, like the contented worker, remains an erratic and anomalous event, immune to the methods of factory farming.
Alain de Botton
As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don't have to be a doctor working in the slums for free, or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn't matter as much as how you do what you do.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Harry Dresden: You rush a miracle worker, you get lousy miracles!
Jim Butcher
The worker must work for the glory of his handiwork, not simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not for fame.
W. E. B. Du Bois
If a man cannot do brain work without stimulants of any kind, he had better turn to hand work it is an indication on Nature's part that she did not mean him to be a head worker.
Thomas Henry Huxley
We could not guard every water pipeline from being blown up and every tree from being uprooted. We could not prevent every murder of a worker in an orchard or a family in their beds. But it was in our power to set high price for our blood, a price too high for the Arab community, the Arab army, or the Arab governments to think it worth paying... It was in our power to cause the Arab governments to renounce 'the policy of strength' toward Israel by turning it into a demonstration of weakness.
Moshe Dayan
To renew the energy expended in physical labour, the worker must be provided with the requirements of his existence as a functioning organism-food, clothing, and shelter for himself and his family. The labour time socially necessary to produce the necessities of life of the worker is the value of the worker's labour power. The latter's value is, therefore, reducible to a specifiable quantity of commodities: those which the worker requires to be able to subsist and reproduce.
Anthony Giddens
The human race, in its intellectual life, is organized like the bees: the masculine soul is a worker, sexually atrophied, and essentially dedicated to impersonal and universal arts; the feminine is a queen, infinitely fertile, omnipresent in its brooding industry, but passive and abounding in intuitions without method and passions without justice.
George Santayana