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Committee Quotes - page 3
The Committee supports the idea that there should be, within the University of California, a campus which puts particular emphasis on the education of undergraduates within the framework of a College system.
Abraham Robinson
I have no personal vendetta against Clarence Thomas. I seek only to provide the committee with information which it may regard as relevant.
Anita Hill
'Referring the matter to a committee' can be a device for diluting authority, diffusing responsibility and delaying decisions.
Antony Jay
Nothing is really media driven or committee driven, so you can actually just produce something.
Bill Sienkiewicz
I have had national security background, 10 years on the Intelligence Committee, the last two years as chair.
Bob Graham
The committee discloses that even after the U.S. government learned of the diversion of U.S. designs for nuclear warheads in late 1995, the Clinton Administration failed to take steps immediately to improve security.
Charles Bass
The Intelligence Committee will also examine present counterintelligence programs for the Department of Energy, the National Laboratories, and the Department of Defense.
Charles Bass
The Cox Committee found that the Chinese military acquired many of the technologies over the past seven years, although many of them had been targeted for acquisition for more than a quarter century.
Charles Bass
As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I will be participating in several hearings on the startling revelations contained in the report.
Charles Bass
I became chairman of the inmates committee. Got into a lot of trouble. Was accused of fomenting a riot. Was accused of plotting to kill the warden.
Clifford Irving
At that time a senator who was on the Joint Committee of Atomic Energy said rather quietly, 'You know, we're having a little problem with waste these days.' I didn't know what he meant then, but I know now.
David R. Brower
The fact is that we as a party at the Republican National Committee registered 3.4 million new voters in the past two years and brought them into the political process. The president won by 3.5 million votes.
Ed Gillespie
I didn't serve on a committee that dealt with foreign policy.
Geraldine Ferraro
I am persuaded, that if any attempt is made to improve the education of the poor, and such an unmanly spirit should guide the resolution of a society or committee for that purpose, it would render the design abortive.
Joseph Lancaster
During the presidential primaries of 1940, I received a request from the Democratic National Committee to sing God Bless America before the speeches.
Kate Smith
Too many of my Senate colleagues overdid it. They stayed on too long - napping through committee hearings when they should have packed up and gone home.
Leverett Saltonstall
I was recently appointed by President Obama to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. I am so excited that the President trusts me to advise him on things that are important to people with disabilities!
Lauren Potter
The politics of the Cape Town Metro, which allows an executive Mayoral committee to make secret decisions which affect you, behind closed doors, is wrong!
Mangosuthu Buthelezi
As the Pentagon makes plans for the largest troop rotation since World War II, I will work with the Armed Services Committee to help make this proposal a reality.
Mike Rogers
The optimum committee has no members.
Norman Ralph Augustine
As southeast Texas's only Member of the House Transportation Committee, I'm especially proud of being able to help bring hundreds of millions of dollars to the region to create jobs and improve the area infrastructure.
Nick Lampson
Madam Speaker, I have spent more than half my life as a member of the Resources Committee. In that time I have supported numerous wilderness designations. In fact, I cannot recall ever opposing a wilderness bill.
Nick Rahall