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Intuition Quotes - page 4
Artists and religionists are never far apart, they go to the sources of revelation for what they choose to experience and what they report is the degree of their experiences. Intellect wishes to arrange - intuition wishes to accept.
Georgia O'Keeffe
A father's suspicion...' she began. Is as powerful as a mother's intuition.' ~pg 87, Ruana Singh and Jack Salmon.
Alice Sebold
The union of the mind and intuition which brings about illumination, and the development which the Sufis seek, is based upon love.
Idries Shah
intuition is always right in at least two important ways; It is always in response to something. it always has your best interest at heart.
Gavin de Becker
No matter how deep a study you make. What you really have to rely on is your own intuition and when it comes down to it, you really don't know what's going to happen until you do it.
Matsushita Konosuke
Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.
Madeleine L'Engle
I have always stressed that methodology is intuition reconstructed in tranquility.
Paul Lazarsfeld
I live and work alone and travel light, relying largely on my memory and making a point of letting intuition guide my way.
Lyall Watson
Run away from laziness; work hard. Touch intuition and listen to the heart, not marketing directors. Dream.
Alber Elbaz
Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct - a gift of knowing without reasoning... Belief is ignited by hope and supported by facts and evidence - it builds alignment and creates confidence. Belief is what sets energy in motion and creates the success that breeds more success.
Angela Ahrendts
The intuition of free will gives us the truth.
Corliss Lamont
Intuition does not in itself amount to knowledge, yet cannot be disregarded by philosophers and psychologists.
Corliss Lamont
For some reason I have a visual intuition that allows me to design things in an interesting way, and I don't know where that came from. Because I don't have this formal training, I seem to drift in a different direction.
David Carson
If you have never been tortured, or locked up and verbally threatened, you may find it hard to believe that anyone would confess to something he had not done. Intuition holds that the innocent do not make false confessions.
David K. Shipler
Nobody taught Picasso how to paint - he learned for himself. And nobody can teach you to be a producer. You can learn the mechanics, but you can't learn what's right about a script or a director or an actor. That comes from instinct and intuition. It comes from inside you.
Dino De Laurentiis
The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.
Dan Stevens
Roosevelt's humor was broad, his manner friendly. Of wit there was little; of philosophy, none. What did he possess? Intuition, inspiration, love of adventure.
Emanuel Celler
Improvised music involves a lot of intuition and I like developing intuition.
Fred Frith
Thus, in a sense, mathematics has been most advanced by those who distinguished themselves by intuition rather than by rigorous proofs.
Felix Klein
I go by intuition. Work-wise, that means asking myself if a role will push me outside my comfort zone, challenge me to learn something new.
Isabel Lucas
I use my intuition. I tell my students: use your brains, but also use another part of yourself.
Jim Goldberg
Most of my choices come about through some kind of intuition or instinct, and if I need to, I'll post-rationalize them, intellectually, afterwards. But generally, they come about just by feeling.
Joe Wright