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Immigration Quotes - page 2
Immigration is the major issue everywhere, and even the countries where it isn't the number one issue, it ends up becoming one.
Douglas Murray
Amnesty is a big billboard, a flashing billboard, to the rest of the world that we don't really mean our immigration law.
Richard Lamm
I think Muslims have become the new Negroes in America. They are being mistreated at airports, by the Immigration - everywhere. Islam is a religion of peace. They are wrong.
Jermaine Jackson
The Center for Immigration Studies found that illegal immigrants cost the United States taxpayer about $10.4 billion a year. A large part of that expense stems from the babies born each year to illegal immigrants.
Nathan Deal
However, I don't doubt that a wave of immigration will come to Poland.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
Lost in much of the national debate about immigration reform is how Democrats ultimately stand to gain electorally with any legislation or executive action that would put the newly legalized residents on a path to voting.
Aaron Klein
As Congress continues to debate ways to address illegal immigration, we must remember the many hard-working legal immigrants that contribute so much to our nation's economy and culture.
Bob Filner
The American people are not anti-immigrant. We are concerned about the lack of coherence in our immigration policy and enforcement.
Chris Cannon
Legislation passed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 enhanced our intelligence capabilities and strengthened our national defense, but until now our nation's immigration policies have not adapted to the needs of a post-September 11th world.
Chris Chocola
We can't have - we can't have a patchwork of 50 states developing their own immigration policy. I understand the frustration of people in Arizona. They want the federal government to step up and deal with this problem once and for all, and that's what we want to do.
David Axelrod
Already we're seeing graduates of U.S. higher education going back to their home countries and contributing to societies there, where in the past they would have stayed in the U.S. and built new companies here. We have to have immigration reform that allows talented foreigners to become Americans.
David Malpass
Immigration is not just compatible with but is a necessary component of economic growth.
Dave Reichert
Going forward, as we work to strengthen our border in the interests of homeland security, we must also recognize the economic importance of immigration reform.
Dave Reichert
On the one hand we publicly pronounce the equality of all peoples; on the other hand, in our immigration laws, we embrace in practice these very theories we abhor and verbally condemn.
Emanuel Celler
I had fought against the unjust restriction of immigration.
Emanuel Celler
The President would usually talk to me about matters relating to the immigration problem.
Erich Leinsdorf
For a border state, I would argue that Texas is less lunatic on the subject of immigration issues than other places around it, like Arizona. They're much more comfortable with their long-term identity as a place with a very large Hispanic population.
Gail Collins
Environmentalists have been outspoken in their support of smaller family size and abortion rights as keys to reducing global warming. But when it comes to immigration, the single biggest contributor to population growth in the industrial world, they stand largely silent.
Gary Bauer
I support concrete and progressive immigration reform based on three primary criteria: family reunification, economic contributions, and humanitarian concerns.
Jeff Bingaman
This is the sheriff you're talking about, with a gun and badge that enforces the law. Nothing is going to stop me from cracking down on illegal immigration as long as the laws are there.
Joe Arpaio
Our immigration system is a broken system that needs to be fixed. We need reform that provides hardworking people of good character with a real path towards citizenship.
Joe Baca
Illegal immigration continues to be a major problem in the United States. We have people waiting to come here legally. And we should not be rewarding people who have come here illegally.
John Barrasso