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Grade Quotes - page 3
I wrote my first piano piece when I was in 4th grade.
Abel Korzeniowski
There was a long stint during my childhood after I gave up on being a pro football player - we're talking sixth grade here - that I strongly considered a future writing and drawing comic books. I have been making stuff up ever since.
Adam Ross
A church is an incubator, a nursery, a grade school. You start where people are and move them to where they need to be.
Adrian Rogers
My first acting job happened by accident when I was really young. I was in fifth grade and my teacher saw an ad in the paper and took me to the audition after school and I got the part.
Ajay Naidu
I got kicked out in grade school because I staged a riot because I wanted more library time.
Bitsie Tulloch
The ninth grade. I went from 5'9 to 6'8.
Bubba Smith
I grew up in Dallas, with cowboys. I was the only guy in sixth grade with long hair and an earring. Let's just say I got a lot of, er, flak for being different.
Barry Watson
I began writing in the 4th grade. As a matter of fact, I produced a play for the entire school. It was about Leif Ericson and the discovery of America.
Christopher Darden
By the time I was in sixth grade I could bound every country in the world from memory.
Clyde Tombaugh
I was a bookworm who aced every test - until third grade, when my teacher handed out a pop quiz about Jesus and the Apostles.
Caroline Leavitt
Prior to being bullied, I was a very footloose sixth-grader. You know, I was quirky, I was creative - I really felt good in my own body. And when I was bullied in seventh grade, my self-esteem tanked.
Carolyn Mackler
I was running since I was 10. Since grade one at school people looked at me and thought, oh gosh she can really run, she's a natural.
Cathy Freeman
Im always trying to push the envelope and go with a different hairstyle that youre not going to see on anybody else. I have a really good grade of hair, and I can do a lot of different things with it.
David Otunga
When I was in fourth grade... this wonderful teacher said you didn't have to write a book report, you could just talk about the book, you could do a drawing of the book, you could write a play inspired by the book, and that's what I did. I got to be so famous. I had to go around to every school and perform it. It was just so natural and fun.
Didi Conn
Experts say that if children can't read by the end of the fifth grade, they lose self-confidence and self-esteem, making them more likely to enter the juvenile justice system.
Dirk Kempthorne
I read 'Holes' in 10th grade, and I haven't read a full book since. The movie version with Shia LaBeouf was OK, but the book was way better.
Domo Genesis
Once I grew from 6'1' to about 6'6', by that time I was going into 12th grade, and that's when I started wanting to play basketball, because, pretty much basketball players always got the girl.
Eric Williams
I failed public speaking in grade school, 'cause I was so nervous and scared.
Gary Clark, Jr.
I didn't go to high school, and I didn't go to grade school either. Education, I think, is for refinement and is probably a liability.
H. L. Hunt
I started getting letters from college in the tenth grade.
James Worthy
I was always a clown. In the eighth grade I won a city speech contest by doing an Eddie Murphy routine. I'm no good at public speaking, but if I can assume a role and speak as that person, then I'm fine. When I had to give a book report, I always did it in character.
Jason Wiles
As a teacher you can see the difference in kids who have parents who were involved. That difference, by the time these kids get to the third grade, is drastic.
Jenna Bush