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Agreement Quotes
Everything that is in agreement with our personal desires seems true; everything that is not puts us in a rage.
André Maurois
I wish to assure you that there can never be any return to the state of armed conflict which existed before our commitment to peace and the democratic process of election under the Lancaster House agreement.
Robert Mugabe
Politics and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement.
Edmund Burke
Gentlemen, I take it we are all in complete agreement on the decision here. Then, I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until the next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement, and perhaps gain some understanding of what the decision is all about.
Alfred P. Sloan
Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
Miguel Ángel Ruiz
Perhaps the most delightful friendships are those in which there is much agreement, much disputation, and yet more personal liking.
George Eliot
Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.
Jonathan Edwards (theologian)
My people and I," he said, "have come to an agreement which satisfies us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please.
Frederick II of Prussia
It is not worth the paper it is written on unless it is backed by the kind of force that will make the other side consider the penalties too heavy to break the agreement.
Yitzhak Rabin
A marriage based on full confidence, based on complete and unqualified frankness on both sides they are not keeping anything back there's no deception underneath it all. If I might so put it, it's an agreement for the mutual forgiveness of sin.
Henrik Ibsen
Proportion is that agreeable harmony between the several parts of a building, which is the result of a just and regular agreement of them with each other; the height to the width, this to the length, and each of these to the whole.
Reaching and understanding is the process of bringing about an agreement on the presupposed basis of validity claims that are mutually recognized.
Jürgen Habermas
Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russian has always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play.
Otto von Bismarck
The United States strongly seeks a lasting agreement for the discontinuance of nuclear weapons tests. We believe that this would be an important step toward reduction of international tensions and would open the way to further agreement on substantial measures of disarmament.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Large-scale public projects require the agreement of large numbers of people.
Thom Mayne
When people are divided, the only solution is agreement.
John Hume
There is no reason why agreement on particular points should not be both possible and advantageous to the so-called neutrals and to one or more of the blocs, either existing or in the process of formation, within the League of Nations.
Hjalmar Branting
Roosevelt was determined to stop Stalin from taking over Eastern Europe. He thought they finally had an agreement on Poland. Before Roosevelt died, he realized that Stalin had broken his agreement.
W. Averell Harriman
A comparison between the triplets tentatively deduced by these methods with the changes in amino acid sequence produced by mutation shows a fair measure of agreement.
Francis Crick
The Soviet Union has long been proposing to outlaw chemical weapons, to remove them from the arsenals of states. We are prepared for resolution of this problem either on a global basis or piece by piece. As one of the first steps the USSR and the other socialist countries proposed in January 1984 that agreement be reached on ridding Europe of all types of chemical weapons.
Konstantin Chernenko
Our quarrel is not with Egypt, still less with the Arab world. It is with Colonel Nasser. He has shown that he is not a man who can be trusted to keep an agreement. Now he has torn up all his country's promises to the Suez Canal Company and has even gone back on his own statements.
Anthony Eden
No Bolshevik, no Communist, no intelligent socialist has ever entertained the idea of violence against the middle peasants. All socialists have always spoken of agreement with them and of their gradual and voluntary transition to socialism.
Vladimir Lenin