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Bold Quotes
In a well-governed country, speak boldly and act boldly. In a country where lawlessness prevails, let your actions be bold but your speech tactful.
He was a bold man that first eat an oyster.
Jonathan Swift
If we would guide by the light of reason we must let our minds be bold.
Louis Brandeis
Make bold choices and make mistakes. It's all those things that add up to the person you become.
Angelina Jolie
How does the Meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold.
William Wordsworth
Look with favor upon a bold beginning.
We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day.
Brad Meltzer
Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.
Queen Latifah
The breaking wave and the muscle as it contracts obey the same law. Delicate line gathers the body's total strength in a bold balance. Shall my soul meet so severe a curve, journeying on its way to form?
Dag Hammarskjöld
In doing good, we are generally cold, and languid, and sluggish and of all things afraid of being too much in the right. But the works of malice and injustice are quite in another style. They are finished with a bold, masterly hand touched as they are with the spirit of those vehement passions that call forth all our energies, whenever we oppress and persecute.
Edmund Burke
Freedom lies in being bold.
Robert Frost
Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls.
Maya Angelou
Let your youth have free reign, it won't come again, so be bold and no repenting.
Nikos Kazantzakis
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay; Princes and lords may flourish, or may fade; A breath can make them, as a breath has made; But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed, can never be supplied.
Oliver Goldsmith
Often in the real world, it's not the smart that get ahead but the bold.
Robert Kiyosaki
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.
Helen Keller
As thou these ashes, little brook, wilt bear Into the Avon, Avon to the tide Of Severn, Severn to the narrow seas, Into main ocean they, this deed accursed An emblem yields to friends and enemies How the bold teacher's doctrine, sanctified By truth, shall spread, throughout the world dispersed.
William Wordsworth
For siege works against bold and venturesome men should be constructed on one plan, on another against cautious men, and on still another against the cowardly.
Begin, be bold and venture to be wise.
What alive, and so bold, O earth.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball.
Billie Jean King
My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble.
Bill Rodgers