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Senate Quotes - page 3
Montanans elected me to the Senate to do away with shady backroom deals and to make government work better.
Jon Tester
The Democrats' plan for 2006? Take the House and Senate and impeach the president. With our nation at war, is this the kind of Congress you want?
Ken Mehlman
Too many of my Senate colleagues overdid it. They stayed on too long - napping through committee hearings when they should have packed up and gone home.
Leverett Saltonstall
In the executive branch, winning by a whisker is as good as winning in a landslide, but not so in the Senate.
Lincoln Chafee
Once again, the Republicans in the Senate have rejected an increase in the minimum wage. They support tax breaks for multi-millionaires, but they oppose helping the working poor to earn a decent income.
Mark Dayton
President Barack Obama has it right - there is a lot to change about Washington. The problem is, not much will get changed unless we confront the runaway filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Peter Fenn
The Democrats in the Senate adopted a resolution, an amendment, saying that there should be no Guantanamo detainees brought into this country. So, more and more, we're finding the American people on one side, the ACLU and the troglodytes from the New York Times on the other, where they belong.
Peter T. King
A funny thing happened on the way to the election - I got to the Senate first.
Pierre Salinger
I think I'm pretty politically informed, and I find myself watching Senate hearings on C-SPAN.
Powers Boothe
Lyndon Johnson, as majority leader of the United States Senate, he made the Senate work.
Robert Caro
The Senate is an unknowing world.
Robert Caro
The nation will be shaped for decades by decisions that are made by President Bush and the Senate about the future of the Supreme Court.
Ralph G. Neas
I will not be responsible for the loss of the Democratic majority in the United States Senate.
Robert Torricelli
The day that I was elected to the United States Senate remains among the most cherished of my life.
Robert Torricelli
At that point, which would be around February 2002, they came and they confiscated my computer, because, they said, they were suspecting that I was communicating with certain Senate members and taking this issue outside the Bureau.
Sibel Edmonds
And I am saying, how about the other two branches? And putting the pressure on our representatives in the Senate and the Congress, and the court system. They should be counter-acting this corruption, but they are sitting there silent.
Sibel Edmonds
And I have been campaigning for the past three months trying to get the Senate Judiciary Committee that has the oversight authority and responsibility to start its own public hearings.
Sibel Edmonds
And in that confirmation process, I sat for 17 hours in front of a senate judiciary committee.
Stephen Breyer
All of us who serve in the House of Representatives and the Senate pay into Social Security.
Virgil Goode
If a bare majority can change the fundamental rules that govern an institution, then there are no rules. Senate rules today are whatever the majority decides they are that morning. What distinguishes an institution from a flash mob is that its rules endure. They can be changed, of course. But only by significant supermajorities. That's why constitutional changes require two-thirds of both houses plus three-quarters of the states. If we could make constitutional changes by majority vote, there would be no Constitution. As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.
Charles Krauthammer
This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.
Clarence Thomas
Now the Senate is looking for 'moderate' judges, 'mainstream' judges. What in the world is a moderate interpretation of a constitutional text? Halfway between what it says and what we'd like it to say?
Antonin Scalia