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Detail Quotes - page 3
Business strategy should not be a grand and sweeping overview. It should be more like an under view, a peek beneath the covers to look in great detail at what is going on.
Richard Koch
The scenarios of biological or chemical warfare painted in detail by the American media during the months after September 11 only betray the inability of the government to determine the magnitude of the danger.
Jürgen Habermas
I like to have a thing suggested rather than told in full. When every detail is given, the mind rests satisfied, and the imagination loses the desire to use its own wings.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Suppose a person entering a house were to feel heat on the porch, and going further, were to feel the heat increasing, the more they penetrated within. Doubtless, such a person would believe there was a fire in the house, even though they did not see the fire that must be causing all this heat. A similar thing will happen to anyone who considers this world in detail: one will observe that all things are arranged according to their degrees of beauty and excellence, and that the nearer they are to God, the more beautiful and better they are.
Thomas Aquinas
Someday you're really going to have to describe to me in more detail what life is like on the planet you live on. Because it sounds really great, and I'd like to visit there one day.
Meg Cabot
...and time becomes a forgotten detail.
Mary E. Pearson
The terrorists didn't think that Yazidi girls would have the courage to tell the world every detail of what they did to us. We defy them by not letting their crimes go unanswered.
Nadia Murad
When you design a building, you start from a general philosophy, and you come down, and you start from detail and come up. Only the theoretical architect believes that you can make the concept and then sometime, somebody will come to build it.
Renzo Piano
At a certain point I came to the conclusion that one of the murderous aspects of the AIDS crisis was that people were used to not talking about sexual experiences in detail. Gay sex for instance does not cause AIDS. There are certain acts that transmit a virus and there are certain other acts that don't transmit a virus. If you don't talk about what goes on in sexuality, so that you know what particular acts you're dealing with, then I think you're, possibly in an indirect way but never-the-less in a very real way, contributing to an atmosphere of ignorance which the result is people die.
Samuel R. Delany
In writing a series of stories about the same characters, plan the whole series in advance in some detail, to avoid contradictions and inconsistencies.
L. Sprague de Camp
Laymen learn to read photographs the way they do headlines, skipping over them quickly to get the gist of what is being said. Photographers, on the other hand, study them with the care and attention to detail one might give to a difficult scientific paper or a complicated poem.
Howard S. Becker
I see myself as the mind of the business which takes care of every last detail; if you do not do this you cannot be fast enough.
Niki Lauda
I am someone who places great value on the detail. That was always the case, even in my days as a racing driver.
Niki Lauda
It is by being fully involved with every detail of our lives, whether good or bad, that we find happiness, not by trying to look for it directly.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
I may not have a practical mind, but it's very fixated on concrete things. I like detail.
Alma Guillermoprieto
I always think that if you look at anyone in detail, you will have empathy for them because you recognize them as a human being, no matter what they've done.
Andrea Arnold
Among other things they picked out a detail that Charles had been offered the Governorship of Hong Kong in its dying days by Thatcher in return for shutting up about the inner cities. He quite rightly in my view led the paper on this story.
Anthony Holden
Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation.
Art Bell
I won't go into detail but this animated one, the story line is very cool and the kids seem to love it.
Blair Underwood
Look at the Coen brothers. All their minor characters are as interesting as their protagonists. If the smaller characters are well-written, the whole world of the film becomes enriched. It's not the size of the thing, but the detail.
Brendan Gleeson
Sometimes when you start losing detail, whether it's in music or in life, something as small as failing to be polite, you start to lose substance.
Benny Goodman
The success of a production depends on the attention paid to detail.
David O. Selznick