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Irish Quotes - page 3
Everything that we inherit, the rain, the skies, the speech, and anybody who works in the English language in Ireland knows that there's the dead ghost of Gaelic in the language we use and listen to and that those things will reflect our Irish identity.
John McGahern
Amongst Women concentrated on the family, and the new book concentrates on a small community. The dominant units in Irish society are the family and the locality. The idea was that the whole world would grow out from that small space.
John McGahern
When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious.
Edna O'Brien
Humor has historically been tied to the mores of the day. The Yellow Kid was predicated on what people thought was funny about the immigrant Irish. When you're different in a society, you're funny.
Will Eisner
Irish Americans are about as Irish as Black Americans are African.
Bob Geldof
I want to make all Europe and America know it - I want to make England feel her weakness if she refuses to give the justice we the Irish require - the restoration of our domestic parliament.
Daniel O'Connell
It is in that English Parliament the chains for Ireland are forged, and any Irish patriot who goes into that forge to free Ireland will soon find himself welded into the agency of his country's subjection to England.
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa
Rain is also very difficult to film, particularly in Ireland because it's quite fine, so fine that the Irish don't even acknowledge that it exists.
Alan Parker
You think the Welsh are friendly, but the Irish are fabulous.
Bonnie Tyler
I think I'm going to keep my Irish accent forever now in any movie I make, because chicks dig it and that's all I care about now!
Chris O'Dowd
My first thought when I came here was that I understood why there are so many great Irish writers - because there is something mystical in the air. There's always this cloudy, moody sky and it's challenging.
Christopher Meloni
I had great faith in Irish actors, that they'd be hip to the whole theatre thing, and they are. I had no illusions of coming over here as some kind of big shot. It's been a learning experience for me too.
Christopher Meloni
I kind of have an interest in all history. And I suspect it comes from being Irish - we like stories, we like telling stories, which makes a lot of us lean towards being writers or actors or directors.
Colm Meaney
We play our Irish songs a bit more loosely.
Caroline Corr
In Ireland, it's been like U2 and The Cranberries, which is rock, but you know they're Irish.
Caroline Corr
My Irish derivation has nothing to do with me. Why should it?
Carroll O'Connor
Sometimes the archaism of the language when it's spoken is why we are all in love with the Irish today.
Diane Wakoski
It is a most disgraceful shame the way in which Irishmen are brought up. They are ashamed of their language, institutions, and of everything Irish.
Douglas Hyde
I was for two years a pupil at the Model School in Fort street which was then conducted upon the Irish national system, and if any special religious instruction was given in connection with that system, I do not recollect it.
Edmund Barton
To be honest I live among the English and have always found them to be very honest in their business dealings. They are noble, hard-working and anxious to do the right thing. But joy eludes them, they lack the joy that the Irish have.
Fiona Shaw
There's something about the Irish that is remarkable.
Fiona Shaw
A lot of Irish people perform. They perform in drawing rooms. They sing songs and they play piano.
Fiona Shaw