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Racism Quotes - page 3
Racism is always there underneath, but usually it is exploited in these times of economic crisis, and it's hard to find out when one slides into another.
Iris Chang
Capitalism, racism and inhuman technocracy quietly develop in their own way. The causes of misery are no longer to be found in the inner attitudes of men, but have long been institutionalized.
Jürgen Moltmann
Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It's a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated.
Alveda King
Racism oppresses its victims, but also binds the oppressors, who sear their consciences with more and more lies until they become prisoners of those lies. They cannot face the truth of human equality because it reveals the horror of the injustices they commit.
Alveda King
Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular.
Alveda King
Racism is a way to gain economic advantage at the expense of others. Slavery and plantations may be gone, but racism still allows us to regard those who may keep us from financial gain as less than equals.
Alveda King
If you live in the elite world of dance, you find yourself in a world rife with racism. Let's face it.
Alvin Ailey
Sure, there's a chunk of African-Americans out there who associate the Republican Party with racism, frankly particularly in the Deep South. It's an unfair perception, but it exists. Over a period time, that perception will die away if Republicans are focusing on issues that happen to impact African-Americans.
Artur Davis
I have never experienced racism in the feminist movement, so it concerned me to think that I was unable to see the subject clearly because I came from white, middle-class privilege.
Betty Buckley
African-Americans know about racism, but I don't think we really know the causes. I decided it's first of all a family problem.
Bebe Moore Campbell
Ageism is as odious as racism and sexism.
Claude Pepper
I was born and raised in the oldest settled part of the nation and in an environment in which racism was officially mooted.
Constance Baker Motley
The fact is that racism, despite all the doomsayers, has diminished.
Constance Baker Motley
We African Americans have now spent the major part of the 20th Century battling racism.
Constance Baker Motley
Many voted in 2008 with the desire to see racism and racists humiliated by having a qualified black man elected president.
Douglas Wilder
First there was racism. Then liberals created institutional racism and coded racism. You can only hear it with a dog whistle.
Evan Sayet
If I was in a room with a bunch of skinheads talking about racism, then I would be disturbed, but after we finished a take, we were normal people again.
Edward Furlong
The hardest thing I had to overcome in life? I think racism. That's so difficult because I don't think anyone can ever understand it. It's not that people don't want to understand it, but they don't want to touch it.
Herschel Walker
Racism built me into a person that was set up to be self-destructive.
Jayson Blair
Feminism isn't simply about being a woman in a position of power. It's battling systemic inequities; it's a social justice movement that believes sexism, racism and classism exist and interconnect, and that they should be consistently challenged.
Jessica Valenti
No matter what vision one has of South Africa, the first thing that must be done is to destroy racism.
Joe Slovo
Slavery, racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry, subordination, and human rights abuse transform and adapt with the times.
John Prendergast