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Journalism Quotes - page 4
Some in journalism consider themselves apart from and to some extent above the people they purport to serve.
Brit Hume
There's a certain elitism that has crept into the attitudes of some in journalism, and it played out perfectly over the issue of these little American flag lapel pins.
Brit Hume
I went into broadcast journalism. I loved every class I took, I just got anxious because I came to the realization that you're groomed in high school to get good SAT scores to get into a good college or else you're done for.
Chace Crawford
I don't have any well-developed philosophy about journalism. Ultimately it is important in a society like this, so people can know about everything that goes wrong.
Charles Kuralt
I didn't like the competitiveness of big-time journalism.
Charles Kuralt
I believe that 'advocacy journalism' is not an oxymoron. If that means that I'm going to disrupt the cable, partisan fracas of obsession over what this means from left and right, then so be it. I will be disruptive of it.
Chris Cuomo
They take journalism really seriously because they know the force that it is and can be.
Christiane Amanpour
And I really believe good journalism is good business.
Christiane Amanpour
I expected to go into journalism or law.
Christie Hefner
Most magazines have become wallpaper, they're all the same, all the same celebrities. It's really an abysmal time in American journalism right now. But occasionally one story or two will pop out.
David Talbot
After Watergate, which happened when I was in college, I became increasingly inspired by journalism as a way to change the world. It sounds corny, but to wake the public up, to serve a higher cause.
David Talbot
The only school that let me in was U.C. Santa Cruz, which is where I went. They didn't have a journalism program, so I took sociology, which is the closest thing to journalism.
David Talbot
My favorite thing is still journalism. I'm almost 50. This has been my life ever since I was in college.
David Talbot
All of journalism is a shrinking art. So much of it is hype. The O.J. Simpson story is a landmark in the decline of journalism.
Dick Schaap
Confrontation is not a dirty word. Sometimes it's the best kind of journalism as long you don't confront people just for the sake of a confrontation.
Don Hewitt
Journalism is straying into entertainment. The lines between serious news segments, news entertainment, and news comedy are blurring.
Drew Curtis
In journalism, a fact is just a fact. But in fiction, you have to build your case. It has to be made, step by step.
Edward P. Jones
The media has changed. We now give broadcast licenses to philosophies instead of people. People get confused and think there is no difference between news and entertainment. People who project themselves as journalists on television don't know the first thing about journalism. They are just there stirring up a hockey game.
Gary Ackerman
I suggest that what we want to do is not to leave to posterity a great institution, but to leave behind a great tradition of journalism ably practiced in our time.
Henry R. Luce
In journalism it is simpler to sound off than it is to find out. It is more elegant to pontificate than it is to sweat.
Harold Evans
Journalism students need to understand it and need a solid background in the liberal arts, in sociology, economics, literature and language, because they won't get it later on.
Harrison Salisbury
Journalism is a kind of profession, or craft, or racket, for people who never wanted to grow up and go out into the real world.
Harry Reasoner