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Visual Quotes - page 4
Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.
Barbara Januszkiewicz
Jazz vision for me is seeing my art in musical term. It offers me an visual expressions in an ever-changing musical palette.
Barbara Januszkiewicz
But in the old days, visual artists used to fall into two distinct categories: those of us who created images with cameras and those of us who applied stuff onto other stuff, with brushes or other tools.
Buffy Sainte-Marie
My exposure to visual art all my life was intensive.
Charles Gwathmey
An illustration is a visual editorial - its just as nuanced. Everything that goes into it is a call you make: every color, every line weight, every angle.
Charles M. Blow
I think too many comic book covers are way too busy, crammed with far too much information, both visual and verbal, that just becomes a dull noise.
Chip Kidd
We share a huge visual memory bank, mostly through painting and other images in history. I think when a modern photograph taps into those, sometimes very subliminally, it makes people respond.
Chris Hondros
For some reason I have a visual intuition that allows me to design things in an interesting way, and I don't know where that came from. Because I don't have this formal training, I seem to drift in a different direction.
David Carson
After I script the movie, I have to storyboard it out, I have to budget it, and I have to understand if I can afford all those visual effects or not.
David Twohy
80 percent of learning is visual, so children who can't afford vision correction are at such a disadvantage.
Ellen Hollman
I think that cognitive scientists would support the view that our visual system does not directly represent what is out there in the world and that our brain constructs a lot of the imagery that we believe we are seeing.
Galen Rowell
At the age of 80, I'm becoming a visual artist. This could be my rebirth.
Harry Seidler
After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread throughout Europe, much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.
Harry Seidler
The way I create music is maybe like a painting, to compose in a more visual way. Basically it's the music that I want to hear- that's my inspiration and bottom line. I just try to get ideas from books, movies, paintings.
Ikue Mori
I found that it wasn't so oddball to like music and poetry and visual arts, they're kindred spirits.
J. Carter Brown
Big cities are chaotic. And chaos for humans - who have experience from their ancestors - is the last step before conflict. So, in the park, every kind of visual contradiction has been eliminated.
John Hench
So to me it's very similar in terms of trying to distill within the image, those elements that are gonna form, hopefully, a compelling visual statement.
John Sexton
I am a great lover of art, in many forms: paintings, objets, textiles. I don't have the talent for painting, but I have a very good sense of colour, a love of visual beauty.
Jacqueline Bisset
I write when I have to; I write when the song is done and I deal with the idea and I just go with it and I'll become what that song is all about until I have finished it. And when you do that, it makes the song more visual, it makes it more personal.
Kerry King
By the visual pattern, but mostly I'm guided entirely by my ear, what I hear.
Leo Ornstein
One advantage of photography is that it's visual and can transcend language.
Lisa Kristine
I write on a visual canvas, 'seeing' a scene in my thoughts before translating it into language, so I'm a visual junkie.
Marianne Wiggins