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Grass Quotes - page 3
What wondrous life in this I lead! Ripe apples drop about my head; The luscious clusters of the vine Upon my mouth do crush their wine; The nectarine and curious peach Into my hands themselves do reach; Stumbling on melons, as I pass, Ensnared with flowers, I fall on grass.
Andrew Marvell
O sweet clean earth, from whom the green blade cometh! When we are dead, my best belovèd and I, Close well above us, that we may rest forever, Sending up grass and blossoms to the sky.
Conrad Aiken
I come here to speak poetry. It will always be in the grass. It will also be necessary to bend down to hear it. It will always be too simple to be discussed in assemblies.
Boris Pasternak
It is forbidden to walk on the grass. It is not forbidden to fly over the grass.
Augusto Boal
Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn Indicative that suns go down; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass.
Emily Dickinson
In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade's no easier to make than an oak.
James Russell Lowell
I used my imagination to make the grass whatever color I wanted it to be.
Whoopi Goldberg
Economic progress means the discovery and application of better ways of doing things to satisfy our wants. The piping of water to a household that previously dragged it from a well, the growing of two blades of grass where one grew before, the development of a power loom that enables one man to weave ten times as much as he could before, the use of steam power and electric power instead of horse or human power - all these things clearly represent economic progress.
Kenneth Boulding
And that was as far as he got before i heard it. The thumping of footsteps, running up the lawn toward me: It seemed like I could hear it through the grass, like leaning your ear to a railroad track and feeling the train coming, miles away. As the noise got closer I could hear ragged breaths, and then a voice.
Sarah Dessen
The gray-green stretch of sandy grass, Indefinitely desolate; A sea of lead, a sky of slate; Already autumn in the air, alas! One stark monotony of stone, The long hotel, acutely white, Against the after-sunset light Withers gray-green, and takes the grass's tone.
Arthur Symons
Insects were scurrying about in the shade cast by the grass, and the lawn was a huge monotonous forest of thousands of little green blades, all equal, all alike, hiding the world from each other. Anguished, she thought, "I don't want to be just another blade of grass."
Simone de Beauvoir
I always knew that someday I would once again feel the grass under my feet and walk in the sunshine as a free man.
Nelson Mandela
I hear always the sad voices of summer passing like red winged birds over the high grass.
Anna Akhmatova
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, If you want me again look for me under your bootsoles.
Walt Whitman
I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.
Walt Whitman
Summer - summer - summer! The soundless footsteps on the grass!
John Galsworthy
Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life, its strength; and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life.
Joseph Conrad
Every blade of grass is a study; and to produce two, where there was but one, is both a profit and a pleasure.
Abraham Lincoln
I have seen in many places housing which has been developed under government influences, but I have never seen any projects in which governments have played their part which have fountains and statues and grass and trees, which are as important to the concept of the home as the roof itself.
John F. Kennedy
Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds.
Regina Brett
Green grass breaks through snow, Artemis pleads for my help, I am so cool.
Rick Riordan
Schist," said an angry voice from the grass. Hazel raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" "Schist! Big pile of schist!
Rick Riordan