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Meat Quotes - page 2
China is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all ... but very tough, and for years no one has been able to bite into it.
Zhou Enlai
The meat in the sausage has got to be Conservative.
Boris Johnson
Let thy speech of God be renewed day by day, aye, rather than thy meat and drink.
You either approve of violence or you don't, and nothing on earth is more violent or extreme than the meat industry.
Cursed be all those on land and sea who eat their fill, cursed be all those who starve yet raise no hand in protest, cursed be all the bread, the wine, the meat which day by day descends deep in the entrails of the exploited man and turns not into freedom's cry, the murderer's ruthless knife!
Nikos Kazantzakis
We eat a lot of lean meat and fresh vegetables.... You are what you eat, you know. When I'm 100, I'll still be doing pin-ups.
Jayne Mansfield
Seriously, I think everybody needs to be more disciplined; nobody needs any meat. But from a perspective of how many animals suffer, it's probably better to kill and eat one whale than it is to eat fish, chickens, cows, lambs and eggs.
Ingrid Newkirk
Eating meat is primitive, barbaric, and arrogant.
Ingrid Newkirk
Centuries ago, sailors on long voyages used to leave a pair of pigs on every deserted island. Or they'd leave a pair of goats. Either way, on any future visit, the island would be a source of meat. These islands, they were pristine. These were home to breeds of birds with no natural predators. Breeds of birds that lived nowhere else on earth. The plants there, without enemies they evolved without thorns or poisons. Without predators and enemies, these islands, they were paradise. The sailors, the next time they visited these islands, the only things still there would be herds of goats or pigs. .... Does this remind you of anything Maybe the ol' Adam and Eve story .... You ever wonder when God's coming back with a lot of barbecue sauce.
Chuck Palahniuk
By eating meat we share responsibility for causing climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian can make a difference in the health of our planet.
Nhat Hanh
Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action.
Nhat Hanh
I started to see human beings as little lonesome, water based, pink meat, life forms pushing air through themselves and making noises that the other little pieces of meat seemed to understand. I was thinking to myself, 'There's five billion people here but we've never been more isolated.' The only result of the aggressive individualism we pursue is that you lose sight of your compassion and we go to bed at night thinking, 'Is this all there is?
Devin Townsend
A typical vice of American politics - the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues, and the announcement of radical policies with much sound and fury, and at the same time with a cautious accompaniment of weasel phrases each of which sucks the meat out of the preceding statement.
Theodore Roosevelt
...those Who, being soulless, are free from shame, Whatever meat they may find. Nor do they defile the dead man's name-- That is reserved for his kind.
Rudyard Kipling
... if you really care about someone, you must remain unconcerned about how the person may perceive you. Friends or family members may feel disturbed that you won't take drugs, drink alcohol, or even eat meat with them, and that you won't let them do these things in your home. However, remember that caring about other people means that you don't want to see them do harm to themselves. If a person doesn't want to associate with you anymore, then you don't need that kind of association.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami
The middle sort of historians (of which the most part are) spoil all; they will chew our meat for us.
Michel de Montaigne
I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.
Douglas Adams
Dragging out life to the last possible second is not living to the best effect. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat. The best of life, Passworthy, lies nearest to the edge of death.
H. G. Wells
The horseman serves the horse, The neatherd serves the neat, The merchant serves the purse, The eater serves his meat; 'T is the day of the chattel, Web to weave, and corn to grind; Things are in the saddle, And ride mankind.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let any pretty girl announce a divorce in Hollywood and the wolves come running. Fresh meat for the beast, and they are always hungry.
Hedy Lamarr
Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert.
B. C. Forbes
Here a little child I stand Heaving up my either hand. Cold as paddocks though they be, Here I lift them up to Thee, For a benison to fall On our meat, and on us all.
Robert Herrick (poet)