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Somewhat Quotes - page 4
I have three lives: actress, model, producer. Sometimes I'm aware that there's a fourth life, which is somewhat neglected, which is living a bit.
Elizabeth Hurley
The heart wants what the heart wants," she says, somewhat cryptically. I purse my lips in disapproval. "You'd think the heart would know better.
Candace Bushnell
Much unhappiness comes from walking alone. When there are several, it's somewhat different. I must get into the habit of listening to others, for what the others say concerns me, too.
Alfred Doblin
Marriage functions best when both partners remain somewhat unmarried.
Claudia Cardinale
But then I have always been somewhat of a square peg in a round hole.
Cressida Cowell
I'm somewhat of a solitary person.
Christopher Lloyd
Typically creative people are usually not clock-slaves or list-makers, so the idea of enforcing goals and deadlines can be somewhat daunting.
Kristin Armstrong
Whereas the chemico-chemists always find in industry a beautiful field of gold-laden soil, the physico-chemists stand somewhat farther off, especially those who seek only the greatest dilution, for in general there is little to make with watery solutions.
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff
The one enemy in the world that America has is England. But then, England is the great land of Christian civilization, and it may not be a thing to be much wondered at that our Americans whom we send to represent us in London become in a short time somewhat civilized, and learn to love those who hate them, bless those that curse them, and do good to those that persecute and calumniate them.
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa
Continental directors, as opposed to British and American, tend to be somewhat high-handed in their approach.
Donald Pleasence
My reasons for becoming a chef are somewhat of a cliche. I always loved to eat but it was watching my parents cook that really served as the impetus for my career choice.
Alexandra Guarnaschelli
My parents are older, and they lead a somewhat sheltered life. It was difficult to talk with them about things that were embarrassing to me, and that I had never spoken to them about.
Anita Hill
The greatest feeling of accomplishment for me is the fact that I was an athlete who was somewhat disabled.
Bill Toomey
I majored in directing. However, I did spend some time at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, so I am somewhat well-versed in African Studies.
Chadwick Boseman
A person that much interested in science is going to neglect his social life somewhat, but not completely, because that isn't healthy either. So one has to work it out according to one's own inclinations, how one wants to proportion these things.
Clyde Tombaugh
My father was a really funny guy. He lived a good long life. And he was the reason I wanted to be funny and become a comedian and a comedy writer, so to say that he's somewhat of a mythic figure in my life would be an understatement.
Carol Leifer
I did it for a living, made a career out of it, but now I've turned it into somewhat of a hobby.
Dick Trickle
Until you are somewhat comfortable and confident and embrace who you are, as a person, you can't possibly love somebody else because you don't like yourself that much.
Djimon Hounsou
It's also important for those who promote those issues within the white community - the somewhat privileged community - to talk about issues affecting people of color.
Danny Glover
There is one Quality, which has somewhat so heavenly in it; that by so much the more we are possess'd of it, by so much the more we draw nearer to the Great Author of Nature.
Eliza Haywood
Travel can also be the spirit of adventure somewhat tamed, for those who desire to do something they are a bit afraid of.
Ella Maillart
And I'm hoping that over the next 20, 50 years, whatever, the mystique of television and film and all that will diminish somewhat, and people will leave us alone to get on with our jobs.
Erika Slezak