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Depression Quotes - page 3
creative people always suffer from depression because we're so super sensitive and special?
Elizabeth Gilbert
Art saved me; it got me through my depression and self-loathing, back to a place of innocence.
Jeanette Winterson
A depression is a situation of self-fulfilling pessimism.
Joan Robinson
I think one thing is that anybody who's had to contend with mental illness - whether it's depression, bipolar illness or severe anxiety, whatever - actually has a fair amount of resilience in the sense that they've had to deal with suffering already, personal suffering.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Grief comes and goes, but depression is unremitting.
Kay Redfield Jamison
One of things so bad about depression and bipolar disorder is that if you don't have prior awareness, you don't have any idea what hit you.
Kay Redfield Jamison
THERE is widespread agreement among economists that abuse of credit constitutes one of the chief unwholesome elements in business booms and is mainly responsible for the ensuing crash and depression.
Benjamin Graham
The people of the United States will not tolerate another deep depression that arises not from any lack of natural resources, productive capacity or man and brain power, but solely from imperfections in the functioning of the system of finance capitalism.
Benjamin Graham
The money cost of the reservoir plan literally fades into insignificance when it is compared with the financial burden which the great depression imposed on the nation.
Benjamin Graham
Nostalgia is a form of depression both for a society and an individual.
Abbie Hoffman
Depression hangs over me as if I were Iceland.
Philip Larkin
Depression presents itself as a realism regarding the rottenness of the world in general and the rottenness of your life in particular.
Jonathan Franzen
You almost had to live through it to really know the gut ripping misery of the depression during the early thirties which led to labor's bloodiest and most violent days.
Jimmy Hoffa
Depression is a democratic sickness: it afflicts everyone.
Indro Montanelli
The other thing is that if you rely solely on medication to manage depression or anxiety, for example, you have done nothing to train the mind, so that when you come off the medication, you are just as vulnerable to a relapse as though you had never taken the medication.
Daniel Goleman
In the large sense the primary cause of the Great Depression was the war of 1914-1918. Without the war there would have been no depression of such dimensions. There might have been a normal cyclical recession; but, with the usual timing, even that readjustment probably would not have taken place at that particular period, nor would it have been a "Great Depression.
Herbert Hoover
Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves.
Herbert Hoover
Economic depression can not be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement.
Herbert Hoover
Libraries raised me. I don't believe in colleges and universities. I believe in libraries because most students don't have any money. When I graduated from high school, it was during the Depression and we had no money. I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years.
Ray Bradbury
I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We'd meet, they'd come and seek me out, we'd talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine.
Wole Soyinka
This is what I am. I have periods of enormous self-destructive depression, where I go completely off my trolley and lose all sight of reality and reason.
Siobhan Fahey
If you suffer from depression, anything that makes you feel has to the most important thing in your life, because it's the only thing that can save you.
Siobhan Fahey