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Ran Quotes - page 3
You'd think he'd ran out off rocks," I muttered.
Rick Riordan
He pinched the name tag and ran his fingers under the letters. "Can you read this, mate? It says C-H-A-R-O-N. Say it with me: CARE-ON." "Charon." "Amazing! Now: Mr. Charon." "Mr. Charon." "Well done.
Rick Riordan
Let me get this straight. Your table ran away because you polished it with Windex?
Rick Riordan
No!" Leo yelled. "Uhhh," Nico groaned from the floor. "Piper!" Jason cried. "Monkey!" Frank yelled. "Not monkeys," Hazel grumbled. "I think those are dwarfs." "Stealing my stuff!" Leo yelled, and ran for the stairs.
Rick Riordan
We ran, plowing through another pile of peppers. [No, I didn't pick a peck of them, Sadie - just shut up. ].
Rick Riordan
I'll distract them,” Carter said. "You search. The Trophy room is through there.” "Carter!” But the fool ran off to protect me. I hate when he does that.
Rick Riordan
I can see hope inside it." Rachel ran her fingers over the ceramic designs. "So fragile.
Rick Riordan
To understand how black projects began, and how they continue to function today, one must start with the creation of the atomic bomb. The men who ran the Manhattan Project wrote the rules about black operations. The atomic bomb was the mother of all black projects, and it is the parent from which all black operations have sprung.
Annie Jacobsen
For most of my life I've been a listener. At least in the beginning, I think the reason I listened so intently was to have a chance of hearing the train before it ran over me.
Steve Rasnic Tem
Oh, yeah, insanity ran deep in the roots of that family tree.' (Talon)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
I never ran out of ammo, because each time I fired a round, a new round was teleported into the bottom of the clip. My bullet bill this month was going to be huge.
Ernest Klein
I ran around with the other youngsters, hunting, fishing and raising tadpoles and all the rest.
DeForest Kelley
It was men who stopped slavery. It was men who ran up the stairs in the Twin Towers to rescue people. It was men who gave up their seats on the lifeboats of the Titanic. Men are made to take risks and live passionately on behalf of others.
John Eldredge
I've raced on all seven continents at least twice. I've probably run thousands of races. But the single race that I'm most proud is a 10K. Yes, a 10K. I ran it with my daughter on her 10th birthday.
Dean Karnazes
Hiram!' Shelton ran to Hi's side. 'Aren't you you bleeding? I thought she shot you!' 'Red wine. When I saw it running everywhere, I played dead.' He winced as Shelton poked his belly. 'But I'm not leaping off any more shelves. That was pretty stupid.
Kathy Reichs
We got into all the trouble you could ever imagine. We figured that if the Jones boys and all the gangsters ran Chicago, we had our own territory now. All the stores, all the crime, we were in charge of everything, my stepbrother and my brother.
Quincy Jones
There's no point in asking why, even though everybody will. I know why. The harder question is "why not?" I can't believe she ran out of answers before I did.
Laurie Halse Anderson
I did everything. I ran my life exactly as I wanted to, all the time. I never listened to anybody. I'm pig-headed.
Michael Caine
My slogan when I ran was that there is no such thing as government money, there is only taxpayer's money, and that cut pretty deep.
William Weld
Pollock was terrific. I think he freed himself of all kinds of worry about this world. Ran around and dripped, and then he managed to express ecstasy.
Agnes Martin
Yes, I'm back," he said, "And look who I ran into." Horace grinned at him. "i hope you ran into him hard." "As hard as I could.
John Flanagan
Not for models. SuicideGirls is a mystery to me because I thought only women ran the site.
Richard Kern