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Fortunate Quotes - page 3
No one knows he is fortunate until he becomes unfortunate, that's the way the world is.
Chaim Potok
The acquirement and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental calm and spiritual peace are priceless to their possessors if there be any such so fortunate living among us today. However, it is the ideal to strive for, and in our opinion, it is only through Contrology that this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind, and spirit can ever be attained.
Joseph Pilates
It sometimes strikes me how immensely fortunate I am that each day should take its place in my life, either reddened with the rising and setting sun, or refreshingly cool with deep, dark clouds, or blooming like a white flower in the moonlight. What untold wealth!
Rabindranath Tagore
The Admiral ordered the lord to be given some things, and he and all his folk rested in great contentment, believing truly that they had come from the sky, and to see the Christians they held themselves very fortunate.
Christopher Columbus
Although my view is a world-wide one and my area of observation is Europe, the nation closest to my heart is, understandably, my homeland. And it is a fortunate coincidence, fortunate in terms of the explanation of the world, that it is this country which is the clearest example of the playground of destructive development in the whole world.
Pentti Linkola
Newton was the greatest genius that ever existed, and the most fortunate, for we cannot find more than once a system of the world to establish.
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Wise children always choose a mother who was a shocking flirt in her maiden days, and so had several offers before she accepted their fortunate papa.
J. M. Barrie
There is something within me that might be illusion as it is often case with young delighted people, but if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole of humanity. If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exciting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb.
Nikola Tesla
People exaggerate both happiness and unhappiness; we are never so fortunate nor so unfortunate as people say we are.
Honoré de Balzac
In the games of queens and kings, we leave our dreams at the door and we make do with what we have. Sometimes if we're fortunate, we still manage to have a good life.
Melina Marchetta
True compassion does not come from wanting to help out those less fortunate than ourselves but from realizing our kinship with all beings.
Pema Chodron
Working with UNICEF made me grow up and recognize how fortunate I am.
Roger Moore
I've got more ideas for books than I'll ever be able to use in my lifetime. I'm very fortunate like that.
Brad Thor
Christians and Muslims share the belief that they are the fortunate recipient of the final God message.
Bernard Lewis
We were fortunate enough to have several good books detailing the camps and the women. Some were by the survivors. I also got to talk to some of the women who had been in the camp, survivors.
Glenn Close
Scarcely anyone ever wants to be anybody else. However handicapped or unhappy he feels himself, he would not change places with other more fortunate mortals.
Gordon W. Allport
The usual way - through a long series of rejections, revising my manuscripts, and kept trying again and again. Finally I was fortunate enough to find a good agent.
Daniel Steele
The success of I Love Lucy is something that happens only once in a lifetime, if you are fortunate enough to have it happen at all.
Desi Arnaz
Some people call God, some people call Allah; I want to see the fruit of the love, I want to see the love, the love to help the brothers who may not be as fortunate as us.
MC Hammer
Well, I think I am a very, very lucky person. I'm very fortunate.
David Dinkins
So I won't say I'm lucky. I'm fortunate enough to find or attract very talented people. For some reason I found them, and they found me.
Peter Dinklage
I married a woman who is much better than me, I'm very fortunate to be with her and I know I'll be happy with her the rest of my life.
Jim Caviezel