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Statement Quotes - page 4
I wear heels, and it's not for a fashion statement - it's ammunition.
Nikki Haley
Once every five hundred years or so, a summary statement about poetry comes along that we can't imagine ourselves living without.
A. R. Ammons
I, Alexander B. Campbell, make this statement of the cause of my death to relieve the coroner of the necessity of an inquest, and also let my friends know the motive that led me to take my own life.
Alex Campbell
It's important to make a statement, but don't kill yourself over it. You have to make an effort, but not go overboard.
Alexandra Roach
We might not object to the statement that Lear deserved to suffer for his folly, selfishness and tyranny; but to assert that he deserved to suffer what he did suffer is to do violence not merely to language but to any healthy moral sense.
Andrew Coyle Bradley
Everyone takes surveys. Whoever makes a statement about human behavior has engaged in a survey of some sort.
Andrew Greeley
I have often heard the statement made by foreign singers, as a demonstrated fact, that the German artists are artists in feeling indeed, and serious in their devotion, but that their singing is crude.
Anton Seidl
Space has always been the spiritual dimension of architecture. It is not the physical statement of the structure so much as what it contains that moves us.
Arthur Erickson
When I wrote "Green, Green," it was like a really a statement of where I was at philosophically in my life.
Barry McGuire
Certainly, the murder of civilians for political statement did not just begin on September 11, 2001.
Cliff Stearns
It would be far to general a statement to try and describe the daily life of an actor in Hollywood, but I am quite certain that cappucinos have something to do with it.
Corin Nemec
When you do have songs where you're going to say something, some kind of statement about cultural or social stuff, that in general people love it. People love to be challenged in that way.
Catie Curtis
The 'wisdom of the crowds' is the most ridiculous statement I've heard in my life. Crowds are dumb.
Drew Curtis
I always work out of uncertainty but when a painting's finished it becomes a fixed idea, apparently a final statement. In time though, uncertainty returns... your thought process goes on.
Georg Baselitz
What is the biggest public forum in the United States? We were told it's the Super Bowl. The ad shows kids working at blue-collar jobs, and the final statement is just written text: Who's going to pay for the trillion dollar deficit?
Joan Blades
The French Revolution is the ultimate modernist statement. Destroy everything. Don't build on the past. There is no past.
John Corigliano
So to me it's very similar in terms of trying to distill within the image, those elements that are gonna form, hopefully, a compelling visual statement.
John Sexton
Biology is far from understanding exactly how a single cell develops into a baby, but research suggests that human development can ultimately be explained in terms of biochemistry and molecular biology. Most scientists would make a similar statement about evolution.
Kenneth R. Miller
The pleasure that I take in writing gets me interested in writing a poem. It's not a statement about what I think anybody else should be doing. For me, it's an interesting tension between interior and exterior.
Marilyn Hacker
I'm making the statement that we should all live life and have a laugh. Nakedness is a thing where people take notice. If you do it in the right way, people laugh.
Mark Roberts
If a politician murders his mother, the first response of the press or of his opponents will likely be not that it was a terrible thing to do, but rather that in a statement made six years before he had gone on record as being opposed to matricide.
Meg Greenfield
I am intrigued by inanimate objects. They're a piece of history, someone's statement and ideas of life.
Mike Mills