Debate Quotes - page 18
There's an interesting debate that circulates so often, with one side arguing that actors are not activists, Hollywood does not get to be the arbiter of what is right and wrong. And the other side, which is if you have a platform and you don't use it for good, then what is the point?. No, I'm not a politician, and no, I'm not a news source, but yes, I have people that are following me and I have a voice, and as long as I am doing my best to speak the truth, I'm fine with being on the right side of history! What I'm saying is, you are a part of history; you matter.
Zoey Deutch
The growth in linguistic awareness about the problem, and the emergence of an associated activism, was one of the most exciting developments of the 1990s. Although awareness is still poor among the general public, the issues are now being much more widely discussed at professional levels, in a variety of international, national, regional, and local contexts. At one extreme, there are major campaigns such as those involved in promulgating the Barcelona Declaration of Linguistic Rights, or such initiatives as the `Red Book on Endangered Languages' (part of the Tokyo Clearing House project). At the other extreme, there is lively debate taking place within many of the endangered communities themselves. Mechanisms and structures are now in place to channel energies.
David Crystal