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Rose Quotes - page 3
Mengistu seemed to symbolize the revolution. He was the baria, the slave who overthrew the master, the member of the conquered tribe who got even with the conquerors, the poorly educated son of a servant who rose against the intellectual elite.
Mengistu Haile Mariam
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt Now I know how Joan of Arc felt As the flames rose to her roman nose And her Walkman started to melt.
It has been well said that an author who expects results from a first novel is in a position similar to that of a man who drops a rose petal down the Grand Canyon of Arizona and listens for the echo.
P. G. Wodehouse
We are small but we are many, we are many we are small; we were here before you rose, we will be here when you fall.
Neil Gaiman
A man should not risk his life for beauty alone, Kiall, for that fades. You might as well risk it for a rose. Think on it.
David Gemmell
The great fact in life, the always possible escape from dullness, was the lake. The sun rose out of it, the day began there; it was like an open door that nobody could shut. The land and all its dreariness could never close in on you. You had only to look at the lake, and you knew you would soon be free.
Willa Cather
While the happy couple are enjoying the thrill of the rose garden, the in-laws are saying that they are just not right for each other. We keep telling them that they cannot pay couples to stay together, and it is clear that it will take more than a three-quid-a-week tax break to keep this marriage together.
Harriet Harman
They were connoisseurs of boredom. They savoured the various bouquets of the subtly differentiated boredoms which rose from the long, wasted hours at the dead end of night.
Angela Carter
If I look upon my whole life, I cannot think of another time when I felt more comfortable: when I had no worries, fears, or desires, when my life seemed as soft and lovely as lying inside a cocoon of rose silk.
Amy Tan
Today my winged horse is coming and I am carrying you off to the moon and on the moon we will eat rose petals.
Shirley Jackson
Human life began in flight and fear. Religion rose from rituals of propitiation, spells to lull the punishing elements.
Camille Paglia
Cupid and my Campaspe play'd At cards for kisses-Cupid paid: He stakes his quiver, bow, and arrows, His mother's doves, and team of sparrows; Loses them too; then down he throws The coral of his lips, the rose Growing one's cheek (but none knows how); With these, the crystal of his brow, And then the dimple of his chin: All these did my Campaspe win. At last he set her both his eyes- She won, and Cupid blind did rise. O Love! has she done this for thee? What shall, alas! become of me?
John Lyly
A Rose is sweeter in the budde than full blowne.
John Lyly
This house has been far out at sea all night, The woods crashing through darkness, the booming hills, Winds stampeding the fields under the window Floundering black astride and blinding wet Till day rose; then under an orange sky The hills had new places, and wind wielded Blade-light, luminous black and emerald, Flexing like the lens of a mad eye.
Ted Hughes
Everything about her was warm and soft and scented; even the stains of her grief became her as raindrops do the beaten rose.
Edith Wharton
The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts.
Max Brooks
For inspiration I look to those great players who consistently found original ways to shock their opponents. None did this better than the eighth world champion, Mikhail Tal. The "Magician of Riga" rose to become champion in 1960 at age twenty-three and became famous for his aggressive, volatile play.
Garry Kasparov
Jesus Christ-who, as it turns out, was born of a virgin, cheated death, and rose bodily into the heavens-can now be eaten in the form of a cracker.
Sam Harris
Be happy, be happy; you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's-blood. All that I ask of you in return is that you will be a true lover, for Love is wiser than Philosophy, though she is wise, and mightier than Power, though he is mighty.
Oscar Wilde
So here's a question from one who believed, only a week ago, that Baghdad might just collapse, that we might wake up one morning to find the Baathist militia and the Iraqi army gone and the Americans walking down Saadun Street with their rifles over their shoulders. If the Iraqis can still hold out against such overwhelming force in Umm Qasr for four days, if they can keep fighting in Basra and Nassariyeh - the latter a city which briefly rose in successful revolt against Saddam in 1991 - why should Saddam's forces not keep fighting in Baghdad?
Robert Fisk
One of life's joys was to have friends who gave you reality checks...who would call you on your crap before it rose so high you drowned in it.
David Brin
Historically the belief in heaven and the belief in utopia are like compensatory buckets in a well: when one goes down the other comes up. When the classic religions decayed, communistic agitation rose in Athens (430 B.C.), and revolution began in Rome (133 B.C.); when these movements failed, resurrection faiths succeeded, culminating in Christianity; when, in our eighteenth century, Christian belief weakened, communism reappeared. In this perspective the future of religion is secure.
Will Durant