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Ill Quotes
Men of ill judgment ignore the good that lies within their hands, till they have lost it.
Cynicism is humour in ill health.
H. G. Wells
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
John F. Kennedy
We would rather speak ill of ourselves than not talk about ourselves at all.
François de La Rochefoucauld
They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea.
Francis Bacon
I must complain the cards are ill shuffled till I have a good hand.
Jonathan Swift
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
Charles Baudelaire
The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. The happy man inevitably confines himself within ancient limits.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The man who does ill must suffer ill.
Magnanimity in politics is not seldom the truest wisdom; and a great empire and little minds go ill together.
Edmund Burke
Just like those who are incurably ill, the aged know everything about their dying except exactly when.
Philip Roth
Ill habits gather by unseen degrees - As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.
John Dryden
Infelicity is an ill to which all acts are heir which have the general character of ritual or ceremonial, all conventional acts.
J. L. Austin
We should keep silent about those in power; to speak well of them almost implies flattery; to speak ill of them while they are alive is dangerous, and when they are dead is cowardly.
Jean de La Bruyère
If Margaret Thatcher wins on Thursday, I warn you not to be ordinary. I warn you not to be young. I warn you not to fall ill. And I warn you not to grow old.
Neil Kinnock
A man has generally the good or ill qualities, which he attributes to mankind.
William Shenstone
He that leaveth nothing to chance will do few things ill, but he will do very few things.
George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax
Speak ill of no man, but speak all the good you know of everybody.
Benjamin Franklin
Those among them that have not received our religion do not fright any from it, and use none ill that goes over to it, so that all the while I was there one man was only punished on this occasion.
Thomas More
It is ill to praise, and worse to blame, the thing which you do not understand.
Leonardo da Vinci
Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent.
Great causes and little men go ill together.
Jawaharlal Nehru