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Notice Quotes - page 37
Audiences and critics acknowledge that a play or concerto gains force in great rendition. A good play may overcome bad staging. A great concerto may survive a poor soloist. But it is naturally assumed that a more accomplished performance intensifies the impact of the work. The play's text or concerto's score does not change, but the right actors and musicians help realize its full potential. Among contemporary literary critics, however, one never encounters this notion in regard to books and printing. To recognize the sensual contributions of the physical elements of a book is somehow assumed to demean the spiritual purity of the text. To notice the book itself smacks of philistinism, and to make distinctions based on paper, binding, and typography brings accusations of elitism or decadence.
Dana Gioia
Sometimes I wonder if MacKinnon has simply been driven mad by all the sick things people do to one another. I, too, recoil in pain and incomprehension whenever I hear about the latest psychopath who has shot his mother, machine-gunned his coworkers, raped his daughter, or slashed a prostitute. I notice that such men are more likely to have read the bible than pornography, but I do not hold either script responsible for their actions.
Catharine MacKinnon
The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.
Bill Gates
Most of us live in parts of the world where we don't expect to see much, and we wouldn't necessarily notice things that are crashing.
Elizabeth Kolbert
There's a difference between beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one I notice. A charming woman is one who notices me.
John Erskine
If you wear a wig, everybody notices. But if you then dye the wig, people notice the dye.
Andy Warhol
You notice patterns. White guests often are mortified - that word again - when they learn their ancestors owned slaves. But I've never had a black guest who was upset to learn about white ancestry that probably involved forced sexual relations.
Henry Louis Gates
The rich are never threatened by the poor - they do not notice them.
Marie de France
It is strange with how little notice, good, bad, or indifferent, a man may live and die in London.
Charles Dickens
We have learned that history is something that takes no notice whatever of our expectations.
Oswald Spengler
If you notice an unconscious fantasy coming up within you, you would be wise not to interpret it at once. Do not say that you know what it is and force it into consciousness. Just let it live with you, leaving it in the half-dark, carry it with you and watch where it is going or what it is driving at.
Marie-Louise von Franz
As soon as we notice that certain types of events 'like' to cluster together at certain times, we begin to understand the Chinese, whose theories of medicine, philosophy, and even building are based on a 'science' of meaningful coincidences.
Marie-Louise von Franz
Books serve us simply by opening a window on all we wanted to say and feel and think about. We may not even notice that they have not said it themselves till we go back to them years later and do not find what we loved in them. You cannot keep the view by taking the window with you.
James Richardson
There is no point on which a greater amount of decision is to be found in Courts of law and equity than as to what is reasonable; for instance, reasonable time, reasonable notice, and the like. It is impossible a priori to state what is reasonable in such cases. You must have the particular facts of each case established before you can ascertain what is meant by reasonable time, notice, and the like.
John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly
One way of looking at poetic periods is to notice what contemporary interests and knowledge penetrate the best verse written at the time and what moods are permitted in treating of these matters.
Kenneth Allott
One of the striking aspects of the new trade deals is that while they have invested corporations with a new set of rights, they have attached no responsibilities to those rights. Notice how the lawsuits all go in one direction - corporations sue governments for infringing their corporate profit-making rights. A government can't sue a corporation for infringing the rights of its citizens by, say, polluting local drinking water.
Linda McQuaig
Many people there are in this kingdom who never see a Gazette to the day of their deaths, and very mischievous would be the consequences if they were bound by a notice inserted in it.
Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Baron Kenyon
True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.
Francis of Assisi
Being popular can become narcotic. We can come to crave it and to need the frequent ""fixes"" brought by the world's praise and caresses of recognition. A turned head bows much less easily. Popularity is dangerous especially because it focuses us on ourselves rather than keeping us attentive to the needs of others. We become preoccupied with self and with being noticed, letting those in real need ""pass by"" us, and we ""notice them not"".
Neal A. Maxwell
A treatise on mental dietetics would be imperfect without some special notice of that most irrational and melancholy of all human torments, hypochondriasis. Reason, morality, wit, and even religion, have endeavoured by every possible means to exorcise this demon. By pamphlets and by books-in tragedy and in comedy - from the pulpit and on the stage, it has been denounced and ridiculed.
Ernst, Baron von Feuchtersleben
When I resigned, I put the U.S. Government on notice that I'm going to stick to policy issues, that I have no intention of going out and blowing the cover off of the intelligence operations, that those are truly sensitive and they should not be exposed.
Scott Ritter
You notice for the first time that she has freckles. You didn't know they still made them.
Jay McInerney