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Active Quotes - page 7
I was always active - I went from baseball to football. I didn't have time to work out.
Bo Jackson
I eat healthy and stay active and drink plenty of water.
Behati Prinsloo
I believe there are two periods in life, one for the bike, the other for becoming active on one's work.
Bernard Hinault
I'm very politically active, but that has nothing to do with my charity.
Bernard Marcus
You can't win for losing. Either you fulfill their stereotype of being a radical 60's person or you've sold out. In fact, of course, millions of people who were active in the 60's are doing work on issues that try to reflect their values.
Bernardine Dohrn
Running is what keeps my weight down. I have to stay active or I could easily gain weight.
Camilla Luddington
Our seniors have worked long and hard to better the economy, raise families and serve their communities. They deserve to live independent and active lives in their golden years.
Christopher Dodd
I don't like political poetry, and I don't write it. If this question was pointing towards that, I think it is missing the point of the American tradition, which is always apolitical, even when the poetry comes out of politically active writers.
Diane Wakoski
The bottom line is that these athletes tend to be safer investments because they really value their marketing opportunities. They don't make as much money as during their active careers.
Dick Butkus
The main thing I want to do is make people feel more connected and more active.
Dan Deacon
Freedom Summer, the massive voter education project in Mississippi, was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.
Danny Glover
The human organism inherits so delicate an adjustment to climate that, in spite of man's boasted ability to live anywhere, the strain of the frozen North eliminates the more nervous and active types of mind.
Ellsworth Huntington
I think with new president Chris Pook of CART, he is very active and strong.
Emerson Fittipaldi
Objectivity is the subject subjugating the object. That is how you assert yourself. You make yourself the active voice and the object is the passive no-voice.
Emily Levine
I just want to do more work. Every time I step in front of a camera I feel young again. I really do. It keeps your mind active and it keeps you going.
Ernest Borgnine
Pulse as an active means of expression, Stravinsky and Beethoven are the two masters of that.
Esa-Pekka Salonen
When I was in school, I was very involved with a lot of things. I was very very active. I couldn't say that I wasn't popular. I was a cheerleader when I was in junior high. I didn't make it in high school so I started a dance line.
Faith Ford
The active part of man consists of powerful instincts, some of which are gentle and continuous; others violent and short; some baser, some nobler, and all necessary.
Francis William Newman
My own interest in basic aspects of electron transfer between metal complexes became active only after I came to the University of Chicago in 1946.
Henry Taube
I am not a prophet in any sense of the word, and I entertain an active and intense dislike of the foregoing mixture of optimism, fatalism, and conservatism.
Herbert Croly
Think about it: Look at the strides of awareness and treatment and tests that women have had with breast cancer, that the gay community has had with AIDS, because they're active and they talk about it.
Herbie Mann
I can remember running around at the age of 3, wanting to play golf, cricket and football. I was always active, one way or another, driving my parents mad.
Ian Botham