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Hatred Quotes - page 2
But the greatest menace to our civilization today is the conflict between giant organized systems of self-righteousness-each system only too delighted to find that the other is wicked-each only too glad that the sins give it the pretext for still deeper hatred and animosity.
Herbert Butterfield
Hatred is a feeling which leads to the extinction of values.
José Ortega y Gasset
Christians well know that the much-decorated statue of the Church, as it now stands, is not of pure chiseled marble, but of clay, cemented together by blood and tears and hardened in the fires of hatred and persecution.
Virchand Gandhi
years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute.
Edgar Allan Poe
Hatred strikes me as one of the few signs of life remaining in the world. This is another thing about the world which is upsidedown: all the friendly and likable people seem dead to me; only the haters seem alive.
Walker Percy
This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.
Peace Pilgrim
Forgiveness is the economy of the heart... forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.
Hannah More
Hatred, which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated, and this was an immutable law.
James Baldwin
The evil that we do does not attract to us so much persecution and hatred as our good qualities.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Nothing brings people together more, then mutual hatred.
Henry Rollins
Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism.
George Orwell
Why is propaganda so much more successful when it stirs up hatred than when it tries to stir up friendly feeling?
Bertrand Russell
Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
Bertrand Russell
The point of terrorism is to cause terror, sometimes to further a political goal and sometimes out of sheer hatred. The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. And blowing up planes, trains, markets or buses is not the goal; those are just tactics. The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions of us who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act. And we're doing exactly what the terrorists want.
Bruce Schneier
Hatred is an affair of the heart; contempt that of the head.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Out of Ireland have we come, great hatred, little room, maimed us at the start. I carry from my mother's womb a fanatic heart.
William Butler Yeats
Commerce is so far from being beneficial to arts, or to empire, that it is destructive of both, as all their history shows, for the above reason of individual merit being its great hatred. Empires flourish till they become commercial, and then they are scattered abroad to the four winds.
William Blake
I'm not defined by where I came from. I never took part in the rules and hatred that sometimes go along with religion. But if my parents are happy with what they believe, then I'm happy to stay out of their way. We agree to disagree.
Katy Perry
The junior Senator from Wisconsin, by his reckless charges, has so preyed upon the fears and hatred of uninformed and credulous people that he has started a prairie fire, which neither he nor anyone else may be able to control.
J. William Fulbright
Hatred is self-punishment.
Hosea Ballou
To live one's love and hatred, to live that which one is means defeat, resignation, and death. The crimes of society, the hell that man has made or man become unconquerable cosmic forces.
Herbert Marcuse
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Francis of Assisi