Fan Quotes - page 62
People talking shit, but when the shit hits the fan
Everything I'm not made me everything I am.
I know people wouldn't usually rap this
But I got the facts to back this
Just last year, Chicago had over six hundred caskets
Man, killing's some wack shit
Oh, I forgot, 'cept for when niggas is rappin'
Do you know what it feel like when people is passin'?
He got changed over his chains a block off Ashland
I need to talk to somebody, pastor
The church want tithe, so I can't afford to pay
Pink slip on my door, 'cause I can't afford to stay
My fifteen seconds up, but I got more to say--
'That's enough Mr. West, please, no more today.'
Kanye West
Punk (to a fan) :"Sir, you pay your ticket, you wanna boo - that's fine, but I dare you, I dare you to step in between these ropes, and you will never boo again, because I will render you a toothless, crying heap of a man. I am pissed off, and I wanna fight! So if you have the BALLS[censored], I dare you fatso, to step up, be a man, and fight CM Punk! Come on, son, come on! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. I will render you to tears! C'mon, be a man, or sit down and be a bitch [censored] and shut your mouth"
Phil Brooks
16) There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool following it.
To prove a point, one may seek out a foolish Socialist, thirteenth century Liberal, Scientologist, High Frontier advocate, Mensa member, science fiction fan, Jim Bakker acolyte, Christian, witch, or fanatical devotee of Special Interest Lib. It doesn't really reflect on the cause itself. Ad hominem argument saves time, but it's still a fallacy.
Larry Niven