Expression Quotes - page 59
While in totalitarian regimes, government controls the media and criminalizes journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders who do not echo the State's propaganda, in numerous democratic countries, the media are largely in private hands - too few hands. Often media are controlled by conglomerates responsive to corporations and advertisers who determine the content of news and other programmes, frequently disseminating disinformation or suppressing crucial information necessary for democratic discourse. Indeed, the media blackout on important issues constitutes a grave obstacle to democracy, since absent sufficient information and without free and pluralistic media, democracy is dysfunctional and the political process, including elections, becomes a mere formality - not an expression of the will of the people.
Alfred de Zayas
Let us abandon the obsolete division of rights into artificial categories of first, second and third generation rights – with their intrinsic prejudices. Let us consider redefining human rights in functional terms. I am suggesting a functional paradigm of enabling rights (such as the rights to peace, food, health and homeland), inherent rights (such as equality and non-discrimination), procedural rights (such as access to information, freedom of expression and due process) and what I would call outcome rights, that is, the practical realization of human dignity in the form of the right to our identity, to achieve our potential and to be just who we are, free to enjoy our own culture and opinions. The absence of this outcome right to dignity and self-respect is reflected in much of the strife we see in the world today.
Alfred de Zayas
Undoubtedly the best language for the expression of this ‘unfathomable' quality was music. The infinity of musical spheres of expression, independent of rationality, is often perceived as ‘unfathomable' by listeners too. The formal principles of order seem to lie hidden deeper in this art than in others. In the twentieth century the great creative minds, when faced with Romantic artistic urges running riot which they believe must be overcome, or feel they have succeeded in overcoming, have stressed the importance of existing rules; they have followed traditional forms, or else, in their search for new ways to connect, have found and set up new formula-tions and principles. The young Schumann's creative path led in the opposite direction, from classical forms, however deeply revered, to the freedom of subjective self-expression.
Burkard Schliessmann