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Sex Quotes - page 83
Sex is hardly ever just about sex.
Shirley MacLaine
What's the difference between sex and love? I have four wives and five kids. I apparently don't know the difference.
James Caan
One of the problems with sex education... is that it also strips kids - especially girls - of their modesty to have every detail of anatomy, physiology and condom usage made explicit.
James Dobson
You must forget you're omnipotent and omniscient and take the game seriously so you'll engage in sex, have children, and participate in the whole human scenario.
John C. Lilly
We often hear, "Rape is rape, right?” No. A stranger forcing himself on a woman at knife point is different from a man and woman having sex while drunk and having regrets the morning. What is different? When a woman agrees to a date, she does not make a choice to be sexual, but she does make a choice to explore sexual possibilities. The woman makes no such choice with a stranger or an acquaintance.
Warren Farrell
If power means having control over one's own life, then perhaps there is no better ranking of the impact of sex roles and racism on power over our own lives than life expectancy.
Warren Farrell
Creating fatherhood means creating a major psychological shift. Both sexes find it's difficult to fully share the psychological responsibility for the other sex's traditional role -- especially when the other sex is around.
Warren Farrell
addiction to female beauty and sex.
Warren Farrell
Most women's ideal is to not be sexual until nine conditions are met: physical attraction; respect; emotional compatibility; intelligence; singleness; success (or potential ); being asked out; being paid for; and the man risking rejection by initiating the first kiss.... Men want sex as long as only one condition is met-physical attraction.
Warren Farrell
In the past, both sexes were anxious about sex and pregnancy. Now the pill minimizes her anxiety and condoms increase his. Now the pimple faced boy must still risk rejection while also overcoming his own fear of herpes and AIDS and reassuring her there is nothing to fear. He must still do the sexual risk-taking, but now he can be put in jail if he takes risks too quickly or be called a wimp if he doesn't take them quickly enough.
Warren Farrell
[T]here are really seven different [kinds of] sexual interactions occurring in the workplace... Sexual blackmail. A boss threatens to fire an employee unless she or he is sexual... Sexual bribery. An executive promises a promotion in exchange for sex. This can be explicit or implicit... Workplace prostitution. An employee is sexual in exchange for a promotion; a salesperson is sexual to win a sale. The sex can be given or just promised... Workplace incest. Consensual sex among employees. The workplace, like the family, has lines of authority which sexual bonding tends to blur... Sexual harassment. Repeated sexual advances at work after an employee has said ‘no'... Workplace flirtation. Suggestive dress, flirtations eye contact, a combination of touching and eye signals... Workplace porn. Pinups, lewd jokes, and sexual innuendos made in groups...
Warren Farrell
A man being sued after a woman has more sex than intended is like Lay's being sued after someone has more potato chips than intended. In brief, date rape can be a crime, a misunderstanding, or buyer's remorse.
Warren Farrell
When either sex suppresses the expression of feelings, it's almost always b/c they don't feel there is a safe environment to express them.
Warren Farrell
Gay sex meant two hours of sexual pleasure in exchange for two hours of sexual pleasure. Heterosexual sex meant two hours of sexual pleasure in exchange for a lifetime of responsibility. Heterosexuality was a bad deal! The fear behind homophobia was that no one would be providing for the next generation. Everybody would be having fun. Thus fun became a sign of immaturity; hedonism in many forms became illegal.
Warren Farrell
[A man's actions] are illegal if a woman decides [it creates a hostile environment], and if a man committed the ‘offense'... Who defines ‘hostile environment'? The woman. Not even the man's intent makes a legal difference. In all other criminal behavior, intent makes all the difference. Even in homicide. Sexual harassment legislation in its present form makes all man unequal to all women. It is in blatant violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equal protection without regard of sex. Thus the political will to protect only women prevails over the constitutional mandate to protect both sexes equally.
Warren Farrell
deprivation of the beautiful woman and sex with her until the man guarantees economic security in return; (...)
Warren Farrell
The people considered the most in need of protection were women and children. The sex considered most disposable was men – or males....
Warren Farrell
Unemployment, of course, sends the economy into a recession, creating more unemployment. Ironically, unemployment hurts women more than men. Feminists argue that's because of sex discrimination: women are the last to be hired and the first to be fired. Correct on the outcome; wrong on the reason. We hire first what we need most, and we fire first what we need least. That's why you hire the garbage collector first, and fire him last. Men may be hired first and fired last because more men are willing to do society's dirty work and hazardous work for a lower price.
Warren Farrell
Society may no longer define marriage in the only way marriage has ever been defined in the annals of recorded history. Many societies allowed polygamy, many allowed child marriages, some allowed marriage within families; but none, in thousands of years, defined marriage as the union of people of the same sex.
Dennis Prager
Let every woman whose heart bleeds for the sufferings of her sex, hasten to declare herself and to constitute herself, as far as she possibly can, a free woman.
Edward Carpenter
Legislation to apply the principle of equal pay for equal work without discrimination because of sex is a matter of simple justice.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Not only men, but also women, the weaker sex, in going by the narrow path of Christ have received for themselves the Kingdom of Heaven. For there is neither male nor female, but everyone receives his own reward according to his own labor.
Ephrem the Syrian