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Wonder Quotes - page 4
An empty canvas is a living wonder - far lovelier than certain pictures.
Wassily Kandinsky
I wonder if children don't begin to reject both poetry and religion for similar reasons, because the way both are taught takes the life out of them.
Kathleen Norris
Your hair may be brushed, but your mind's untidy, You've had about seven hours' sleep since Friday, No wonder you feel that lost sensation You're sunk from a riot of relaxation.
Ogden Nash
When a glass sits on a table here, people don't wonder if it's half filled or half empty. They just hope it's good beer.
Sherman Alexie
The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep.
Marc Chagall
From wonder into wonder existence opens.
Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.
John Locke
Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder.
Thomas Aquinas
All my life I used to wonder what I would become when I grew up. Then, about seven years ago, I realized that I was never going to grow up--that growing is an ever ongoing process.
M. Scott Peck
A high percentage of organisations develop a military rationale, whereby only a very small number of people make all of the decisions. There is little wonder, then, that people aren't keen to get out of bed and come to work on a Monday morning.
Ricardo Semler
I wonder how anybody can think his personality changes with his success. I've had quite a bit of success but I feel that I'm just the same person as I always was.
Rube Goldberg
Nevertheless, I still wonder. Each of us, with money, gets further and further away from those moments where the hand pulls the beet root from the soil, shakes the fish from the net into the basket-not to mention the way it separates us from one another, so that when enough money comes between people, they lie apart like parts of a chicken hacked up for stewing.
Samuel R. Delany
The speed of change makes you wonder what will become of architecture.
Tadao Ando
The fear of failure is so great, it is no wonder that the desire to do right by one's children has led to a whole library of books offering advice on how to raise them.
Bruno Bettelheim
I like roses best. But they bloom in all four seasons. I wonder if people who like roses best have to die four times over again.
Osamu Dazai
I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one spending my life making the same mistake over and over again or if that's simply human. Do we all tend toward a single besetting sin?
Karen Joy Fowler
To destroy wonder and mystery, is to destroy the only elements that make existence tolerable.
Clark Ashton Smith
So much of the world's suffering results from the sinful action or inaction of ourselves and others. For example, people look at a famine and wonder where God is, but the world produces enough food for each person to have 3,000 calories a day. It's our own irresponsibility and self-centeredness that prevents people from getting fed.
Lee Strobel
I wonder how long it would take for anyone to notice if I just stopped talking.
Laurie Halse Anderson
I wonder why it is the man who pleads for mercy never gives it.
Louis L'Amour
And a friend of mine in the Christys, we used to sit up at night and talk and read and wonder if reincarnation, and if it wasn't reality, what would happen to the human spirit when the body dies? Is there an afterlife? Just questions like that.
Barry McGuire