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Company Quotes
My solitude doesn't depend on the presence or absence of people; on the contrary, I hate who steals my solitude without, in exchange, offering me true company.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Every man is like the company he is wont to keep.
It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.
George Washington
I desire to go to Hell and not to Heaven. In the former I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks and apostles.
Niccolò Machiavelli
Google's not a real company. It's a house of cards.
Steve Ballmer
Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.
Izaak Walton
Marvelous is the power which can be exercised, almost unconsciously, over a company, or an individual, or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper, good digestion, good intellects, and good looks.
Anthony Trollope
Nothing is so great an instance of ill-manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none if you flatter only one or two, you affront the rest.
Jonathan Swift
I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.
Michel de Montaigne
A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.
Charles Baudelaire
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.
Izaak Walton
I am not influenced by the techniques or fashions of any other motion picture company.
Walt Disney
I am, out of the ladies' company, like a fish out of the water.
Thomas Shadwell
Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game.
Gary Gygax
When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a room full of dukes.
W. H. Auden
No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned... a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.
Samuel Johnson
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.
George Washington
In married life three is company and two none.
Oscar Wilde
Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission - to make the world more open and connected.
Mark Zuckerberg
Heroes do not easily tolerate the company of other heroes.
Kenneth Clark
Rascals are always sociable, more's the pity! and the chief sign that a man has any nobility in his character is the little pleasure he takes in others' company.
Arthur Schopenhauer
One of the very best rules of conversation is to never, say anything which any of the company wish had been left unsaid.
Jonathan Swift