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Development Quotes - page 2
My most profound confidence is however based upon the fact that at the head of Germany there stands a man by his entire development, his desires, and striving can only have been destined by fate to lead our people into a brighter future.
Alfred Jodl
The way in which a society organizes the life of its members ... is one "projectâ of realization among others. But once the project has become operative in the basic institutions and relations, it tends to become exclusive and to determine the development of the society as a whole.
Herbert Marcuse
Many myths and fairy tales tell of a prince, who has been turned into an animal or a monster by sorcery, being saved by a woman. This is a symbolic representation of the development of the animus toward consciousness. Often the heroine may ask no questions of her mysterious lover, or she is only allowed to meet him in darkness. She is to save him through her blind faith and love, but this never works. She always breaks her promise and is only able to find her beloved again after a long quest.
Marie-Louise von Franz
The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels.
Carroll Quigley
The best government rests on the people, and not on the few, on persons and not on property, on the free development of public opinion and not on authority.
George Bancroft
A child-like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention.
Aldous Huxley
How can it be that institutions which serve the common welfare and are extremely significant for its development come into being without a common will directed toward establishing them?
Carl Menger
The Xbox 360 is the first console that I've ever worked with that actually has development tools that are better for games than what we've had on PC.
John D. Carmack
Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.
John Burroughs
Econometrics may be defined as the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of inference.
Richard Stone
The fact that so many of your people are today residents and citizens of the United States, lending their influence to our civic and economic life, which has meant so much to our development.
Frank B. Kellogg
I have to bring to your notice a terrifying reality: with the development of nuclear weapons Man has acquired, for the first time in history, the technical means to destroy the whole of civilization in a single act.
Joseph Rotblat
I have always regarded global development as a struggle between the forces of good and evil. Not to be simplified as a struggle between Jesus and Satan, since I do not consider that the process is restricted to our own sphere of culture.
Alva Myrdal
In my view, there is an urgent need to communicate with the public and help to explain where there is consensus, and where are there doubts about the issues of sustainable development.
Jeffrey D. Sachs
The more each nation contributes to world society from the wealth of its own aptitudes, its own race, and its own traditions, the greater the future development and happiness of mankind will be.
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
I feel however, that we architects have a special duty and mission... (to contribute) to the socio-cultural development of architecture and urban planning.
Kenzo Tange
Internationalism is a community theory of society which is founded on economic, spiritual, and biological facts. It maintains that respect for a healthy development of human society and of world civilization requires that mankind be organized internationally.
Christian Lous Lange
Like all social theories, internationalism must seek its basis in the economic and technical fields; here are to be found the most profound and the most decisive factors in the development of society.
Christian Lous Lange
The same historical development that turned the citizen into a client transformed the worker from a producer into a consumer.
Christopher Lasch
The security of which we speak is to be attained by the development of international law through an international organization based on the principles of law and justice.
Ludwig Quidde
Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social development.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
The WTO has one of the most impressive records in global economic governance, by promoting trade liberalisation and economic development.
Anna Lindh