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Poetry Quotes - page 89
Many modern poets seem to think that poetry should be sensual. It should not-it should be sensuous.
Florence Earle Coates
At the risk of over-generalizing, my sense is that American poetry, where popular culture is concerned, is a poetry of freedom and permission-that there are certainly poets who embrace it and have enjoyed success, from a publishing perspective, in embracing it...
Francisco Aragón
The advice to any young poet is to embrace your freedom and not feel constrained to write in one particular way or only about one particular topic. If they're Latino poets, I would encourage them not only to read widely, but also to read Latino poetry, to familiarize themselves with their particular tradition within American literature...
Francisco Aragón
When I started to make translations I was just doing it intuitively, and my tendency was to stick to the original as much as possible. Then I gained more confidence in my own poetry and my own writing and I began to become less concerned about being strictly faithful to the original and more concerned with producing a good poem in English. What I have often found-especially in the translations that are done by scholars-is that they're very faithful to the content of the original language, but in English they don't really sound that good as poems.
Francisco Aragón
I was born in the East Indies, once the cradle of poetry, philosophy and history and now their tomb. I belong to that race which composed the Mahabharata and invented chess. But this nation which made codes of it's poems and formulated politics in a game is no longer alive! It survives imprisoned in it's own country. I asked for India liberty and light; as for myself, more happy than my countrymen, i am free - civis sum.
Francisco Luís Gomes
My poetry is exacting a confession from me: I will not keep the truth from my song and the heartstringed instrument.
Frank Chipasula
You arrive at truth through poetry I arrive at poetry through truth.
Joseph Joubert
When I took my first poetry class, I felt that I could understand the relationships between words and the formal qualities of language in a way I would never understand music.
Garth Greenwell
Too great this largess from thy hand I know Yet ask that some few drops of it may light And listened to thy voice, and in it found The very Spring and Soul of Poetry.
George Gilfillan
Tutor'd by thee, hence Poetry exalts Her voice to ages; and informs the page With music, image, sentiment, and thought, Never to die! the treasure of mankind! Their highest honour, and their truest joy!
James Thomson (poet)
I'm not really a musician. I'm a performer, and I love rock n' roll. I've embraced rock n' roll because it encompasses all the things I'm interested in: poetry, revolution, sexuality, political activism - all of these things can be found in rock n' roll.
Patti Smith
What I wanted to do in rock 'n roll was merge poetry with sonic scapes, and the two people who had contributed so much to that were Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.
Patti Smith
I came into music because I thought the presentation of poetry wasn't vibrant enough. So I merged improvised poetry with basic rock chords.
Patti Smith
To his surprise he also discovered that it was possible to be good at what you had little interest in, just as it had been possible to be bad at something, whether painting or poetry, that you cared about a great deal.
Richard Russo
I don't think it's a responsibility, but I certainly think it's something poetry can do, and I think that poetry has a unique ability to do it because of its self-referential nature and its self-conscious nature. And I mean that in the sense that, in prose, we're not often as conscious of the language and the operation of language itself. Our focus in on the content, on what is denotatively produced. In poetry we are trained, or at least readers of poetry are trained, to attend to or account for the structures of language as well as what that language conveys.
Gregory Pardlo
I don't think I've ever read poetry, ever. I'm not really book-smart.
By the general process of epic poetry, I mean the way this form of art has constantly responded to the profound needs of the society in which it was made.
Lascelles Abercrombie
Angling is somewhat like poetry, men are to be born so: I mean, with inclinations to it, though both may be heightened by discourse and practice.
Izaak Walton
Poetry's unnat'ral no man ever talked poetry 'cept a beadle on boxin' day.
Charles Dickens
She dotes on poetry, sir. She adores it I may say that her whole soul and mind are wound up, and entwined with it. She has produced some delightful pieces, herself, sir. You may have met with her Ode to an Expiring Frog,' sir.
Charles Dickens
Take Christian morality: what other teaching could have had more hold on minds than that spoken in the name of a crucified God, and could have acted with all its mystical force, all its poetry of martyrdom, its grandeur in forgiving executioners? And yet the institution was more powerful than the religion.
Peter Kropotkin
I enjoy listening to contemporary rock on the college stations while I'm taking long walks, love gospel and soul music, am fascinated by hip-hop and rap as the new kind of urban 'beat' poetry and, come to think of it, find something interesting about just any kind of music.
Oscar Hijuelos