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Sit Quotes - page 2
No man can sit down and withhold his hands from the warfare against wrong and get peace from his acquiescence.
Woodrow Wilson
They come together like the Coroner's Inquest, to sit upon the murdered reputations of the week.
William Congreve
To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations - such is a pleasure beyond compare.
Yoshida Kenkō
Brothers don't necessarily have to say anything to each other - they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.
Leonardo DiCaprio
It seems to be a law of nature that no man, unless he has some obvious physical deformity, ever is loth to sit for his portrait.
Max Beerbohm
A diplomat these days in nothing, but a head waiter who is allowed to sit down occasionally.
Peter Ustinov
One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way.
Vincent van Gogh
I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom.
Andy Warhol
Politics is about winning. If you don't win, you don't get to put your principles into practice. Therefore, find a way to win, or sit the battle out.
David Horowitz
A big man has no time really to do anything but just sit and be big.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse's good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
Ronald Reagan
Somebody said writing is easy, you just sit down at your typewriter and open a vein. It depends on the book. Some, I have to do quite a lot of research, which I like. Others are much closer to me.
Anne Rivers Siddons
We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.
Phyllis Diller
I find that most people know what a story is until they sit down to write one.
Flannery O’Connor
I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without my persuading them. That's all the powers of the President amount to.
Harry S. Truman
I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.
Henry David Thoreau
People create their own questions because they are afraid to look straight. All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk.
Ayn Rand
When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the first thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture.
John Constable
As far as I'm concerned the only thing to do is sit in a room and get drunk.
Jack Kerouac
Where'er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade, Trees, where you sit, shall crowd into a shade Whereer you tread, the blushing flow'rs shall rise, And all things flourish where you turn your eyes.
Alexander Pope
Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.
Thomas Henry Huxley