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Nice Quotes - page 2
I think 'Hail to the Chief' has a nice ring to it.
John F. Kennedy
The crowd is wonderful. There is always a superb atmosphere in the finish area. It's good for the World Cup. I missed it a lot when I had to rest and it's so nice to be back here.
Hermann Maier
It's so nice to get flowers while you can still smell the fragrance.
Lena Horne
If I go on a diet and work out, I'm always in a bad mood. I'd rather be a little heavier but nice.
Salma Hayek
I didnt want to harm the man. I thought he was a very nice gentleman. Soft-spoken. I thought so right up to the moment I cut his throat.
Truman Capote
I don't even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in.
Kanye West
If you want to steal, steal a little in a nice way. But if you steal too much to become rich overnight, you'll be caught.
Mobutu Sésé Seko
They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days.
Garrison Keillor
I'm not an animal lover if that means you think things are nice if you can pat them, but I am intoxicated by animals.
David Attenborough
I often look at women who wear great jeans and high heels and nice little T-shirts wandering around the city and I think, I should make more of an effort. I should look like that. But then I think, They can't be happy in those heels.
Kate Winslet
There was no end to the ways in which nice things are nicer than nasty ones.
Kingsley Amis
Now a writer can make himself a nice career while he is alive by espousing a political cause, working for it, making a profession of believing in it, and if it wins he will be very well placed. All politics is a matter of working hard without reward, or with a living wage for a time, in the hope of booty later. A man can be a Fascist or a Communist and if his outfit gets in he can get to be an ambassador or have a million copies of his books printed by the Government or any of the other rewards the boys dream about.
Ernest Hemingway
Young women especially have something invested in being nice people, and it's only when you have children that you realise you're not a nice person at all, but generally a selfish bully.
Fay Weldon
Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator and change has its enemies.
Robert F. Kennedy
It really is a nice theory. The only defect I think it has is probably common to all philosophical theories. It's wrong.
Saul Kripke
To each other, we were as normal and nice as the smell of bread, we were just a family. In a family even exaggerations make perfect sense.
John Irving
Nice people don't necessarily fall in love with nice people.
Jonathan Franzen
If I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?
Douglas Adams
I meant, said Ipslore bitterly, what is there in this world that truly makes living worth while Death thought about it Cats, he said eventually, Cats are Nice.
Terry Pratchett
Isolation is nice,” thought Brant as she drifted closer to sleep. "It's a shame you can't share it with anybody.
George Alec Effinger
Well, all I can say is, it's a day-by-day program, and so I'm very worried about relapsing, but I don't know. I don't want to use. I don't want to go back to that place because nothing good came of it. It was super dark; it's not nice.
Jack Osbourne