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Carry Quotes - page 5
I used to carry a copy of Ulysses with me everywhere just in case I was knocked down by a bus. It seemed more important than having clean underwear.
Craig Raine
At my door the Pale Horse stands To carry me to unknown lands.
John Hay
Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more.
William Henry Harrison
Everybody's got a secret Sonny, Something that they just can't face. Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it; They carry it with them every step that they take. Till some day they just cut it loose. Cut it loose or let it drag 'em down Where no one asks any questions, Or looks too long in your face In the darkness on the edge of town.
Bruce Springsteen
It seems likely that most if not all the genetic information in any organism is carried by nucleic acid - usually by DNA, although certain small viruses use RNA as their genetic material.
Francis Crick
Stop quoting laws, we carry weapons!
America could carry on a two years' war by the confiscation of the property of disaffected persons, and be made happy by their expulsion. Say not that this is revenge, call it rather the soft resentment of a suffering people, who, having no object in view but the good of all, have staked their own all upon a seemingly doubtful event. Yet it is folly to argue against determined hardness; eloquence may strike the ear, and the language of sorrow draw forth the tear of compassion, but nothing can reach the heart that is steeled with prejudice.
Thomas Paine
May I say, for the benefit of those who have been carried away by the gossip of the last few days, that I know what's going on. I'm going on, and the Labour government's going on.
Harold Wilson
The government have only a small majority in the House of Commons. I want to make it quite clear that this will not affect our ability to govern. Having been charged with the duties of Government we intend to carry out those duties.
Harold Wilson
Who can think that this eviction of Germans was undertaken only as a temporary experiment? Those who adopted the decision on the eviction of the Germans from these territories, and who understood that Poles from other Polish districts would at once move into these territories, cannot suggest after a while to carry out reverse measures. The very idea of involving millions of people in such experiments is unbelievable, quite apart from the cruelty of it, both towards the Poles and the Germans themselves.
Vyacheslav Molotov
We cannot simply speak out against an escalation of troops in Iraq, we must act to prevent it... There can be no doubt that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide whether to fund military action, and Congress can demand a justification from the president for such action before it appropriates the funds to carry it out.
Ted Kennedy
My poor fellow, why not carry a watch?
Herbert Beerbohm Tree
You cannot do anything without rousing the masses to action. A plenary meeting of the Soviet must be called to decide on mass searches in Petrograd and the goods stations. To carry out these searches, each factory and company must form contingents, not on a voluntary basis: it must be the duty of everyone to take part in these searches under the threat of being deprived of his bread card. We can't expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism: speculators must be shot on the spot. Moreover, bandits must be dealt with just as resolutely: they must be shot on the spot.
Vladimir Lenin
It is necessary to be able to withstand all this, to agree to any and every sacrifice, and even-if need be-to resort to all sorts of stratagems, manoeuvres and illegal methods, to evasion and subterfuges in order to penetrate the trade unions, to remain in them, and to carry on Communist work in them at all costs.
Vladimir Lenin
You can only learn so much from books. You can only learn so much from education. Ultimately, it is the wisdom of God that will carry you through in the toughest situations of life.
Ravi Zacharias
It is impossible to carry the American people along with you on a program of caution to forestall a threatening position.
Harold L. Ickes
Unlike private enterprise which quickly modifies its actions to meet emergencies - unlike the shopkeeper who promptly finds the wherewith to satisfy a sudden demand - unlike the railway company which doubles its trains to carry a special influx of passengers; the law-made instrumentality lumbers on under all varieties of circumstances at its habitual rate. By its very nature it is fitted only for average requirements, and inevitably fails under unusual requirements.
Herbert Spencer
This is still the strangest thing in all man's travelling, that he should carry about with him incongruous memories.
Robert Louis Stevenson
I think that the philosopher must, for his own purposes, carry methodological strictness to an extreme when he is investigating and pursuing his truths, but when he is ready to enunciate them and give them out, he ought to avoid the cynical skill with which some scientists, like a Hercules at the fair, amuse themselves by displaying to the public the biceps of their technique.
José Ortega y Gasset
Once Europe existed in a Dark Age and Islam carried the torch of learning. Now we Muslims live in a Dark age.
Mahmud Tarzi
In 1915 Sophie Taeuber and I carried out our first works in the simplest forms, using painting, embroidery and pasted paper [without using oil colors to avoid any reference with usual painting]. These were probably the first manifestations of their kind, pictures that were their own reality, without meaning or cerebral intention. We rejected everything in the nature of a copy or a description, in order to give free flow to what was elemental and spontaneous.
Jean Arp
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
Lou Holtz