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Works Quotes - page 3
The ideal scientist thinks like a poet and works like a bookkeeper.
E. O. Wilson
While the creative works from the 16th century can still be accessed and used by others, the data in some software programs from the 1990s is already inaccessible.
Lawrence Lessig
There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily!
Francis de Sales
I've seen a lot of patriots and they all died just like anybody else if it hurt bad enough and once they were dead their patriotism was only good for legends it was bad for their prose and made them write bad poetry. If you are going to be a great patriot i.e. loyal to any existing order of government (not one who wishes to destroy the existing for something better) you want to be killed early if your life and works won't stink.
Ernest Hemingway
For me, I think the greatest achievements of science is to allow humanity to realize that our world is comprehensible. Through science, rational thinking, we can understand how the universe works.
Jim Al-Khalili
They lard their lean books with the fat of others' works.
Robert Burton
Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is: if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you've painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow, then do it.
Anton LaVey
That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love, well, it works both ways.
Chuck Palahniuk
When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him Vandal. When he wantonly destroys one of the works of God we call him Sportsman.
Joseph Wood Krutch
Government works less efficiently when it begins to grow out of control and takes on more and more of the responsibilities that belong to the citizens.
Jesse Ventura
In science, read, by preference the newest works; in literature, the oldest. The classic literature is always modern.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Luck, like a Russian car, generally only works if you push it.
Tom Holt
It is the chief characteristic of the religion of science that it works.
Isaac Asimov
All poets who, when reading from their own works, experience a choked feeling, are major. For that matter, all poets who read from their own works are major, whether they choke or not.
E. B. White
Life is short and truth works far and lives long: let us speak the truth.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Literary works cannot be taken over like factories, or literary forms of expression like industrial methods. Realist writing, of which history offers many widely varying examples, is likewise conditioned by the question of how, when and for what class it is made use of.
Bertolt Brecht
The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it.
Grace Kelly
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.
Virginia Woolf
God often works more by the life of the illiterate seeking the things that are God's, than by the ability of the learned seeking the things that are their own.
Anselm of Canterbury
The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways. But he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers.
Scott Adams
Works of art make rules but rules do not make works of art.
Claude Debussy
For siege works against bold and venturesome men should be constructed on one plan, on another against cautious men, and on still another against the cowardly.