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Deal Quotes - page 2
The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive 'policies' and 'Plans' of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word 'socialism', but what else can one call it?
H. G. Wells
Language can only deal meaningfully with a special, restricted segment of reality. The rest, and it is presumably the much larger part, is silence.
George Steiner
It takes a good deal of physical courage to ride a horse. This, however, I have. I get it at about forty cents a flask, and take it as required.
Stephen Leacock
I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.
Bill Gates
Learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
Eric Hoffer
God has given a great deal to man, but man would like something from man.
Antonio Porchia
I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The day's length. If a man has a great deal to put in them, a day will have a hundred pockets.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Only a soul full of despair can ever attain serenity and, to be in despair, you must have loved a good deal and still love the world.
Blaise Cendrars
To deal with the true causes of war one must begin by recognizing as of prime relevancy to the solution of the problem the familiar fact that civilization is a partial, incomplete, and, to a great extent, superficial modification of barbarism.
Elihu Root
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.
Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about great changes in a situation through very slight forces.
Julius Caesar
Cage's Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the 'given' material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control.
Earle Brown
When we get to wishing a great deal for ourselves, whatever we get soon turns into mere limitation and exclusion.
George Eliot
It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic.
W. Somerset Maugham
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.
Paul Hawken
I don't pretend to understand the Universe - it's a great deal bigger than I am.
Thomas Carlyle
Music conveys moods and images. Even in opera, where plots deal with the structure of destiny, it's music, not words, that provides power.
Marcel Marceau
If a warrior is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.
Carlos Castaneda
The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.
John D. Rockefeller