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White Quotes - page 2
For goodness sake, will they hear, will white people hear what we are trying to say? Please, all we are asking you to do is to recognize that we are humans, too.
Desmond Tutu
The white man knows how to make everything, but he does not know how to distribute it.
Sitting Bull
White males are the most responsible for the destruction of human life and environment on the planet today.
Robin Morgan
Poverty was an ornament on a learned man like a red ribbon on a white horse.
Anzia Yezierska
I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.
Nelson Mandela
If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.
Martin Luther King Jr.
I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.
John F. Kennedy
You can be up to your boobies in white satin, with gardenias in your hair and no sugar cane for miles, but you can still be working on a plantation.
Billie Holiday
The White House is the finest prison in the world.
Harry S. Truman
It is generally admitted that the most beautiful qualities of a color are in its transparent state, applied over a white ground with the light shining through the color.
Maxfield Parrish
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake.
Margot Asquith
Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices.
Theodor Adorno
Traditionally, psychology has been the study of two populations: university freshmen and white rats.
Paul Bloom
Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests.
David Duke
On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore, Which Jews might kiss and infidels adore.
Alexander Pope
I shall set forth for somewhere, I shall make the reckless choice Some say when they are in voice And tossing so as to scare The white clouds over them on, I shall have less to say, But I shall be none.
Robert Frost
We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories.
Margaret Atwood
I do remember doing shows strictly in black and white, too.
Jim Henson
The white man's happiness cannot be purchased by the black man's misery.
Frederick Douglass
Segregation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it is still wrong when it is requested by black people.
Coretta Scott King
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white man came, an Indian said simply, 'Ours.'
Vine Deloria Jr.
No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women... When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women.
Bell hooks