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Needs Quotes - page 87
Each of us needs an adequate biography: How do I put together into a coherent image the pieces of my life? How do I find the basic plot of my story?
James Hillman
Beauty is something everybody longs for, needs, and tries to obtain in some way - whether through nature, or a man or a woman, or music, or whatever. The soul yearns for it. Psychology seems to have forgotten that.
James Hillman
Whenever we give help, we unfailingly see that the answer to all our needs is already within the very situation we think is hurting us. By becoming totally open and harmless, we see that there is no one who cannot help us and no instant when we are not surrounded by God's love and His guiding presence.
Gerald Jampolsky
God in His infinite wisdom knows exactly what adversity we need to grow more and more into the likeness of His Son. He not only knows what we need but when we need it and how best to bring it to pass in out lives. He is the perfect teacher or coach. His discipline is always exactly suited for our needs. He never overtrains by allowing too much adversity into our lives.
Jerry Bridges
A writer needs four things to achieve greatness, Pasquale: desire, disappointment, and the sea.” "That's only three.” Alvis finished his wine. "You have to do disappointment twice.
Jess Walter
I don't know what a guy needs to do to impress a girl these days.
Jeff Kinney
Everybody needs to understand that policies are going to change to make it unprofitable if you wreck the planet, those companies that continue exploring and developing fossil fuel resources for which there is no safe use are going to pay a very heavy cost for that.
Jeffrey D. Sachs
After initial needs are metenough food, shelter, comfortthere is no correlation between money and happiness. That's a difficult thing for people to believe.
Geneen Roth
We're only as needy as our unmet needs.
John Bowlby
I'm married. I have three children. I have a mortgage to pay. The plumbing breaks and the yard needs trimming. However, what my wife and children need most from me is my passion for them.
John Eldredge
My feelings for Raphael are mine, and mine alone. I loved him, and that is all anyone needs to know. The rest is no business of any man's.
John Connolly
The greatest cause in the world is joyfully rescuing people from hell, meeting their earthly needs, making them glad in God, and doing it with a kind, serious pleasure that makes Christ look like the Treasure he is.
John Piper
The basic totalitarian claim: What I know is everything that needs to be known, and if only it were only manifest in the world, the world would become a utopia. I also think that that's the core idea behind the Tower of Babel. It's the idea that we can build a structure that makes the transcendent unnecessary.
Jordan Peterson
Without that forward-going, courageous consciousness, a woman herself will drift into unconsciousness and terror. It's the sleep of the naive and damned. She needs to wake herself up and bring her own masculine consciousness into the forefront so she can survive in the world. Unless woman is taken out of man, then she isn't a human being – she's just a creature.
Jordan Peterson
When people are feeling insecure about their jobs and there are cuts to be made, it's hard to put up an argument that the film industry needs funding.
Julian Fellowes
Good designers must always be avant-gardists, always one step ahead of the times. They should – and must – question everything generally thought to be obvious. They must have an intuition for people's changing attitudes. For the reality in which they live, for their dreams, their desires, their worries, their needs, their living habits. They must also be able to assess realistically the opportunities and bounds of technology.
Dieter Rams
All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.
Don Tapscott
When you are in your heart, nothing needs to be done to bring change... It will happen automatically and with grace.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Despite the impression created by some economic pundits, the U.S. economy is not a delicate little machine that needs to be fine-tuned with exact precision by benevolent policymakers to keep from breaking down.
Edward C. Prescott
It takes something to get married: nerve, hope, a strong desire to make a certain statement - and it takes something to stay married: more hope, determination, a sense of humor, and needs that are best met by being in a pair.
Amy Bloom
As this world becomes increasingly ugly, callous and materialistic it needs to be reminded that the old fairy stories are rooted in truth, that imagination is of value, that happy endings do, in fact, occur, and that the blue spring mist that make an ugly street look beautiful is just as real a thing as the street itself.
Elizabeth Goudge
The world needs voices that are positive and grateful, and that can be me.
Elin Hilderbrand