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Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window-or break down a door.
Brooke Shields
Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.
Jonas Salk
In the next world, I shan't be doing music, with all the striving and disappointments. I shall be being it.
Ralph Vaughan Williams
I've tried to reduce profanity but I reduced so much profanity when writing the book that I'm afraid not much could come out. Perhaps we will have to consider it simply as a profane book and hope that the next book will be less profane or perhaps more sacred.
Ernest Hemingway
With engineering, I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly.
Gordon Moore
When I was in school, I cheated on my metaphysics exam I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
Woody Allen
In the transmission of human culture, people always attempt to replicate, to pass on to the next generation the skills and values of the parents, but the attempt always fails because cultural transmission is geared to learning, not DNA.
Gregory Bateson
Nobody reads a mystery to get to the middle. They read it to get to the end. If it's a letdown, they won't buy anymore. The first page sells that book. The last page sells your next book.
Mickey Spillane
Next to enjoying ourselves, the next greatest pleasure consists in preventing others from enjoying themselves, or, more generally, in the acquisition of power.
Bertrand Russell
We humans are an extremely important manifestation of the replication bomb, because it is through us - through our brains, our symbolic culture and our technology - that the explosion may proceed to the next stage and reverberate through deep space.
Richard Dawkins
Eight years involved with the nuclear industry have taught me that when nothing can possible go wrong and every avenue has been covered, then is the time to buy a house on the next continent.
Terry Pratchett
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
When a thing's done, it's done, and if it's not done right, do it differently next time.
Arthur Ransome
There will be two types of businesses in the next 5 years, those that are on the Internet, and those that are out of business.
Bill Gates
Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.
Katharine Hepburn
Look to your health and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of a blessing that money cannot buy.
Izaak Walton
The only kind of courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one minute to the next.
Mignon McLaughlin
Nothing is as easy to make as a promise this winter to do something next summer; this is how commencement speakers are caught.
Sydney J. Harris
Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage.
Benjamin Disraeli
We are always looking for the book it is necessary to read next.
Saul Bellow
Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
Pierre Trudeau
Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.
John D. Carmack