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Age Quotes - page 3
Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.
Frank Lloyd Wright
It is the malady of our age that the young are so busy teaching us that they have no time left to learn.
Eric Hoffer
I will not go into a story unprepared. I will do my homework, and that's something I learned at an early age.
Ed Bradley
I feel this is very important for us to have serene buildings because our civilization is chaotic as it is, you see; our whole machine age has brought about a chaos that has to be somehow counterbalanced, I think.
Minoru Yamasaki
Memory is the first casualty of middle age, if I remember correctly.
Candice Bergen
Youth gets together with their materials to build a bridge to the moon or maybe a palace on earth then in middle age they decide to build a woodshed with them instead.
Henry David Thoreau
The value of old age depends upon the person who reaches it. To some men of early performance it is useless. To others, who are late to develop, it just enables them to finish the job.
Thomas Hardy
What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one's faculties, mental and physical, but the burden of one's memories.
W. Somerset Maugham
Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth.
W. Somerset Maugham
It's amazing how, age after age, in country after country, and in all languages, Shakespeare emerges as incomparable.
M. H. Abrams
We live in an age where the artist is forgotten. He is a researcher. I see myself that way.
David Hockney
The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.
Edmund Burke
As the age of television progresses the Reagans will be the rule, not the exception. To be perfect for television is all a President has to be these days.
Gore Vidal
It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true.
Gore Vidal
If you've got to my age, you've probably had your heart broken many times. So it's not that difficult to unpack a bit of grief from some little corner of your heart and cry over it.
Emma Thompson
It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.
Margaret Mead
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.
Margaret Mead
Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.
Louisa May Alcott
Old age isn't a battle; old age is a massacre.
Philip Roth
In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest.
Henry Miller
Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing Age, which forgives itself anything, is forgiven nothing.
George Bernard Shaw
American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver's license age than at voting age.
Marshall McLuhan