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America Quotes - page 84
Let me tell you, it is still morning in America. It just happens to be kind of a head pounding, hung over for four hours in America - and it's shaping up to be a nasty day, but its still morning in America.
Glenn Beck
[writes Progressivism on chalkboard] This is the disease. This is the disease in America. It's not just spending, it's not just taxes, it's not just corruption. It is progressivism. And it is in both parties.
Glenn Beck
There is a race war that is going on in our country, declared by the Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan and anybody else who says that America somehow or another stole the land from Mexico. There is a race war. It wasn't started by us, but they have declared it, and we must end it. There is a war between the political parties, both of them, and the American people. We did not start it, but we must end it. There is a war between the media and the truth. And it must end.
Glenn Beck
"Beck has mentioned the Tides Foundation 30 times on his Fox News show, accusing them" - accusing them - "of being anti-capitalist far-left radicals and indoctrinating children." I stand by each one of those. "There are no records", this is what is obscene, "there are no records of any other talk show mentioning the Tides Foundation." I am the only one that has mentioned the Tides Foundation. So, that's what they're using. This guy couldn't have find this out on his own, it had to come from me. America, if you don't think that they will use anything, they will. They absolutely will.
Glenn Beck
I'm finding this - this is the hardest part to connect to. Because this is - I mean, look, you know, David, what you just said is, you said, "I'm not comparing" - but you are. I mean, this is what Hitler did with the SS. He had his own people. He had the brownshirts and then the SS. This is what Saddam Hussein - so - but you are comparing that. And I - I mean, I think America would have a really hard time getting their arms around that.
Glenn Beck
Allen West: We're going to be successful Tuesday night, don't worry. Glenn Beck: I'm not worried, I think that- I believe in the protection of divine Providence. And I believe there are millions of Americans that are- still believe in and are still harkening to the spirit and harkening to God and God is not neutral in freedom of all of mankind. And if America falls, freedom all over the world takes a mighty blow, and it may take a thousand years to be able to recover from it. And he's not neutral. His work isn't done. And as long as we are decent, God-fearing people, we will be preserved to do his will. And I think that's exactly what you're going to see on Tuesday. I do.
Glenn Beck
This is going to be an image for the history books. If you come, I believe this may, and it may be in 100 years from now or 200 years from now, I believe this will be remembered as the moment America turned the corner. I don't know how it works out. I don't know if it even works out in my lifetime. But I believe this is the pivot point. Be there, with your children.
Glenn Beck
When did it something of shame or ridicule to be a self-made man in America?
Glenn Beck
All the European democracies have far higher election turnouts than ours, and all of them provide their candidates with extensive free airtime. In fact, of all the major nations worldwide that profess to have democracies, only seven - just seven - do not offer free time. These are Ecuador, Honduras, Malaysia, Taiwan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States of America. Does it make us proud to be on such a list?
Walter Cronkite
Yet there is one achievement we should note. The ghastly Saddam, the most revolting dictator in the Arab world, who does indeed use heinous torture and has indeed used gas, is now leading a country that is fighting the world's only superpower and that has done so for almost two weeks without surrendering. Yes, General Tommy Franks has accomplished one "truly remarkable achievement". He has turned the monster of Baghdad into the hero of the Arab world and allowed Iraqis to teach every opponent of America how to fight their enemy.
Robert Fisk
Clinton has changed all that. By endowing bin Laden with his new title (i. e. America's Public Enemy Number One), he has given the Saudi dissident what he sought: recognition as the greatest enemy of Western "corruption," the leader of all resistance against US policy in the Middle East. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic, the way America now treats its opponents as if they were Hollywood bandits.
Robert Fisk
President Bush will come here and there will be new 'friends' of America to open a new relationship with the world, new economic fortunes for those who 'liberated' them.
Robert Fisk
I think we're in the end game there, in the next three to six months, Bob. We've got for the first time an Iraqi government elected on the basis of an Iraqi constitution. Either they're going to produce the kind of inclusive consensual government that we aspire to in the near term, in which case America will stick with it, or they're not, in which case I think the bottom's going to fall out.
Thomas Friedman
America still has the right stuff to thrive. We still have the most creative, diverse, innovative culture and open society - in a world where the ability to imagine and generate new ideas with speed and to implement them through global collaboration is the most important competitive advantage.
Thomas Friedman
After two years of traveling almost exclusively to Western Europe and the Middle East, Poland feels like a geopolitical spa. I visited here for just three days and got two years of anti-American bruises massaged out of me. Get this: people here actually tell you they like America -- without whispering. What has gotten into these people? Have all their subscriptions to Le Monde Diplomatique expired? Haven't they gotten the word from Berlin and Paris? No, they haven't. In fact, Poland is the antidote to European anti-Americanism. Poland is to France what Advil is to a pain in the neck. Or as Michael Mandelbaum, the Johns Hopkins foreign affairs specialist, remarked after visiting Poland: "Poland is the most pro-American country in the world -- including the United States."
Thomas Friedman
America needs rebooting.
Thomas Friedman
I love America. I think it's the best country in the world. But I also think we're not tending to our sauce.
Thomas Friedman
It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.
Bill Frist
Rosa Parks' bold and principled refusal to give up her seat was not an intentional attempt to change a nation, but a singular act aimed at restoring the dignity of the individual. Yet Mrs. Parks' life defined a generation and redefined a nation. Her individual act sparked a revolution that marched America closer to becoming the society grounded in freedom and individual liberty envisioned by our nation's founders. I'm humbled to represent my colleagues in this ceremony honoring Rosa Parks. While our nation must say goodbye to this inspiring leader, her life and legacy will live on in all who continue to share her passion for freedom and justice.
Bill Frist
We must remain constantly vigilant. We dare not underestimate our enemy. Al Qaeda is committed to the destruction of America, and they are in it for the long haul. They are much smarter than many give them credit for being, and they are definitely much more patient than the pace of our fast-food society conditions us to be. Their commitment does not depend on bin Laden or any other single leader.
John Ashcroft
Today, the most dangerous advice you can give a child is ‘Go to school, get good grades and look for a safe secure job,' ” he likes to say. "That is old advice, and it's bad advice. If you could see what is happening in Asia, Europe, South America, you would be as concerned as I am.
Robert Kiyosaki
The Christian right wing in America is a polarizing force when it comes to gay rights, abortion, and patriotism. To me, these aren't "issues," they are matters of individual freedom of choice. But the militant Christians ... especially don't like anything beyond their idea of the "normal"-like the percentage of our population who happen to be gay. To me, gay rights is simple: it's about equality. We're all supposed to be equal under the Constitution, which doesn't say anything about the "Hetero States of America."
Jesse Ventura