Quotes of the day
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Times Quotes - page 2
Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can only be killed once, but in politics many times.
Winston Churchill
Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times.
Augustine of Hippo
Even God cannot make two times two not make four.
Hugo Grotius
Under the pressure of the cares and sorrows of our mortal condition, men have at all times, and in all countries, called in some physical aid to their moral consolations - wine, beer, opium, brandy, or tobacco.
Edmund Burke
Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
Robert Jordan
I drink booze, I smoke, and I'm hooked on caffeine. I actually have been known to swear at times and belch and even raise my voice when provoked. And I'm not physically repressed!
Helena Bonham Carter
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
Robert Benchley
Injustice, poverty, slavery, ignorance - these may be cured by reform or revolution. But men do not live only by fighting evils. They live by positive goals, individual and collective, a vast variety of them, seldom predictable, at times incompatible.
Isaiah Berlin
I just put on what the lady says. I've been married three times, so I've had lots of supervision.
Upton Sinclair
Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.
Thomas S. Monson
Don't say you can't give up drinking. It's easy. I've done it a thousand times.
W. C. Fields
Let every man, every corporation, and especially let every village, town, and city, every county and State, get out of debt and keep out of debt. It is the debtor that is ruined by hard times.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I know you've heard it a thousand times before. But it's true - hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don't love something, then don't do it.
Ray Bradbury
The cynics are right nine times out of ten.
H. L. Mencken
In olden times sacrifices were made at the altar - a practice which is still continued.
Helen Rowland
There are things I can't force. I must adjust. There are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint.
Denis Diderot
The 'good old times' - all times when old are good.
Lord Byron
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.
William Shakespeare
There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate when he can't afford it, and when he can.
Mark Twain
That all men are equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane human being has ever given his assent.
Aldous Huxley
History and experience tell us that moral progress comes not in comfortable and complacent times, but out of trial and confusion.
Gerald Ford
In times of war, the law falls silent.