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Hurt leads to bitterness, bitterness to anger, travel too far that road and the way is lost.
Terry Brooks
Once you find you can't walk as far and as fast as you were able, life becomes more complicated.
Robert Sheckley
So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.
Bertrand Russell
Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain kinds of peace.
Theodore Roosevelt
A man must live like a great brilliant flame and burn as brightly as he can. In the end he burns out. But this is far better than a mean little flame.
Boris Yeltsin
I hold that the parentheses are by far the most important parts of a non-business letter.
D. H. Lawrence
The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.
Muhammad Ali
Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever.
Charles Lamb
I see upon their noble brows the seal of the Lord, for they were born kings of the earth far more truly than those who possess it only from having bought it.
George Sand
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
Carl Sagan
Moral habits, induced by public practices, are far quicker in making their way into men's private lives, than the failings and faults of individuals are in infecting the city at large.
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
Carl Jung
We are far more liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates.
Denis Diderot
In order to shake a hypothesis, it is sometimes not necessary to do anything more than push it as far as it will go.
Denis Diderot
However far modern science and techniques have fallen short of their inherent possibilities, they have taught mankind at least one lesson; nothing is impossible.
Lewis Mumford
To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period would need a far less brilliant pen than mine.
Max Beerbohm
We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.
Swami Vivekananda
I was taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of evolution so far, but I think it's a very poor scheme for survival.
Kurt Vonnegut
Fair and softly goes far.
Miguel de Cervantes
To err is human also in so far as animals seldom or never err, or at least only the cleverest of them do so.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.
Eric Hoffer
Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think.
Hannah Arendt