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Fact Quotes - page 3
The fact disclosed by a survey of the past that majorities have been wrong must not blind us to the complementary fact that majorities have usually not been entirely wrong.
Herbert Spencer
To conceive the good, in fact, is not sufficient; it must be made to succeed among men. To accomplish this less pure paths must be followed.
Ernest Renan
In morals, truth is but little prized when it is a mere sentiment, and only attains its full value when realized in the world as fact.
Ernest Renan
You may take great comfort from the fact that suffering inwardly for the sake of truth proves abundantly that one loves it and marks one out as being of the elect.
Ernest Renan
Some old men, continually praise the time of their youth. In fact, you would almost think that there were no fools in their days, but unluckily they themselves are left as an example.
Alexander Pope
It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true.
Gore Vidal
We never really perceive what color really is, as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art.
Josef Albers
There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot.
John Cage
God give me strength to face a fact though it slay me.
Thomas Henry Huxley
When we speak the word "life,” it must be understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach.
Antonin Artaud
Life has to be given a meaning because of the obvious fact that it has no meaning.
Henry Miller
Sabbath - a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh.
Ambrose Bierce
The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one.
Emil Cioran
A play is fiction - and fiction is fact distilled into truth.
Edward Albee
Give the people a new word and they think they have a new fact.
Willa Cather
Experience isn't interesting until it begins to repeat itself. In fact, till it does that, it hardly is experience.
Elizabeth Bowen
I'm always fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact.
Diane Sawyer
There is no such condition as 'schizophrenia,' but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event.
Ronald David Laing
The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.
Leo Buscaglia
However well equipped our language, it can never be forearmed against all possible cases that may arise and call for description: fact is richer than diction.
J. L. Austin
What keeps us from abandoning ourselves entirely to one vice, often, is the fact that we have several.
François de La Rochefoucauld
We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
Bertrand Russell