My dear little man," said the dragon solemnly, "just understand, once for all, that I can't fight and I won't fight. I've never fought in my life, and I'm not going to begin now, just to give you a Roman holiday. In old days I always let the other fellows - the earnest fellows - do all the fighting, and no doubt that's why I have the pleasure of being here now. (Kenneth Grahame)

My dear little man," said the dragon solemnly, "just understand, once for all, that I can't fight and I won't fight. I've never fought in my life, and I'm not going to begin now, just to give you a Roman holiday. In old days I always let the other fellows - the earnest fellows - do all the fighting, and no doubt that's why I have the pleasure of being here now.

Kenneth Grahame

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begin dear doubt dragon fighting fight holiday life man now once pleasure say days

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