"Prosthetic Morality Enforcement. The idea is that by analogy, if a part of your body is deficient or missing, you can use a prosthetic limb or artificial organ. Well, our ability to make moral judgements is hard-wired, but it's been so far outrun by the demands of complex civilization that it can't keep up. For example...have you ever wondered why discussions in chat rooms or instant messaging turn nasty so easily? Or wander off topic? It's because the behavioural cues we use to trigger socially acceptable responses aren't there in a non-face-to-face environment. If you can't see the other primate, your ethical reasoning is impaired because you can't build a complete mental image of them-a cognitive frame. It's why identity theft and online fraud are such a problem: There's no inhibition against robbery if the victim is faceless. So we need some kind of prosthetic framework to restore our ability to interact with people on the net as if they're human beings we're dealing with in person.