She speaketh as she would créepe into your bosome.
And when the meale mouth hath woon the bottome
of your stomake, than will the pickthanke it tell
To your most enmies, you to bye and fell.
To tell tales out of schoole, that is hir great lust.
Looke what she knowth, blab it wist, out it must. (John Heywood)

She speaketh as she would créepe into your bosome. And when the meale mouth hath woon the bottome of your stomake, than will the pickthanke it tell To your most enmies, you to bye and fell. To tell tales out of schoole, that is hir great lust. Looke what she knowth, blab it wist, out it must.

John Heywood

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fell great mouth tales tell

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