T'riss sat down opposite the Warden, her expression thoughtful. 'Is civilisation nothing but an illusion, then?'
'Crowd control.'
'Excuse me?'
'That's all civilisation is, T'riss. A means by which we manage the proliferation of our kind. It increases in complexity the more of us there are. Laws keeps us muzzled and punishment delivers the necessary message when those laws are broken. Civilizations in decline are notable when certain of their members escape justice, and do so with impunity. (Steven Erikson)

T'riss sat down opposite the Warden, her expression thoughtful. 'Is civilisation nothing but an illusion, then?' 'Crowd control.' 'Excuse me?' 'That's all civilisation is, T'riss. A means by which we manage the proliferation of our kind. It increases in complexity the more of us there are. Laws keeps us muzzled and punishment delivers the necessary message when those laws are broken. Civilizations in decline are notable when certain of their members escape justice, and do so with impunity.

Steven Erikson

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certain complexity control crowd escape excuse justice kind necessary nothing proliferation punishment warden means civilisation laws keeps

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